
  1. 去年7月,三大航空公司中实力最弱的东航,宣布与区域竞争对手上海航空(shanghaiairlines)合并。

    Last July China Eastern , the weakest of the three , announced a merger with its regional rival , Shanghai Airlines .

  2. 中国东方航空(ChinaEasternAirlinesCorp.)是中国三大航空公司中唯一尚未加入航空联盟的。

    China Eastern Airlines Corp. , of Shanghai , is now the only one of the country 's three largest carriers not to have joined an alliance .

  3. 从股权结构上看,中航信与各大航空公司与中国民用航空局(CivilAviationAdministrationofChina,简称“民航局”)是利益共同体。

    Ownership structure from the point of view , in a letter with all the major airlines and aircraft CAAC ( Civil Aviation Administration of China , referred to as " CAA ") is the community of interests .

  4. 三大航空公司中实力最弱的中国东航(chinaeasternairlines)宣布,将任命中国南航董事长(chinasouthernairlines)刘绍勇为公司董事,取代现任董事长李丰华。

    China Eastern Airlines , the weakest of the big three carriers , said it would appoint Liu Shaoyong , chairman of China Southern Airlines , as a director of the company , replacing the current chairman , Li Fenghua .

  5. Skytrax的CEO爱德华·普莱斯特德表示,该调查主要强调的是世界各大航空公司服务质量的一致性。

    The survey underscores the consistency of the quality service among the world 's top carriers , said Edward Plaisted , Skytrax CEO .

  6. 日本很可能继续实施计划,制造其首架喷气式客运飞机。日本第二大航空公司全日空(ANA)昨天宣布,该公司已经与三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)签定了最多25架飞机的有条件定单。

    Japan is likely to go ahead with plans to build its first passenger jet after All Nippon Airways said yesterday that it had placed a conditional order with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for up to 25 aircraft .

  7. 根据花旗(Citi)的估计,2010年客运及货运的增速应该能比机队的扩编速度高出一、两个百分点;三大航空公司的合计利润可能会超过2007年的水平。

    Passenger and freight growth in 2010 should exceed fleet expansion by one or two percentage points ; combined profits for the big three could top 2007 levels , on Citi estimates .

  8. 同时,美国两大航空公司已经将GDS告上法庭,控告他们使用不正当手法控制旅行社。

    Meanwhile , two of America 's big carriers have taken GDSs to court over the tactics they use to maintain their hold over travel agents .

  9. ITA的数据提供给各大航空公司、旅行社和搜索引擎,如必应、大陆航空公司、Kayak、Orbitz和TripAdvisor。

    ITA makes its data available to wide variety of airline and travel sites and search engines like Bing , Continental Airlines , Kayak , Orbitz , and TripAdvisor .

  10. 所有大航空公司都有直飞洛杉矶的航线。

    All the Magor airlines fly direct to Los angeles .

  11. 德国汉莎航空公司是世界十大航空公司之一。

    Lufthansa German Airlines is one of the world 's top ten airlines .

  12. 独立办公楼区,为各大航空物流公司量身定制总部基地。

    Separate office area ; customize headquarters bases for each large aviation logistics company .

  13. 各大航空公司的航材管理也面临巨大的挑战。

    Major airlines and MRO are in the great challenge of aircraft material management .

  14. 现已成为各大航空企业必不可少的重要研究内容。

    Currently , it have became indispensable and important researches for each large aviation enterprise .

  15. 今年,三大航空公司已失去了超过五分之四的市值。

    The three national champs have lost over four-fifths of their market capitalisations this year .

  16. 复兴航空是台湾第三大航空公司。

    TransAsia is Taiwan 's third-largest carrier .

  17. 他说,舒适的环境和一流的服务会使消费者重新选择大航空公司。

    He says the comfort and service of the big airlines will keep customers coming back .

  18. 美国联合航空公司世界第二大航空公司宣布航空史上最大的破产案。

    United airlines , the world 's second-largest airline , filed the biggest bankruptcy in aviation history .

  19. 美国拥有全球四大航空公司,一直是民用飞机最大的市场。

    With the four biggest airlines in the world , America remains the largest market for civilian jets .

  20. 当时,他是一家大航空公司的高级飞行教练,人非常好。

    He was the senior pilot training officer for a major airline , and a very nice guy ;

  21. 目前中国各大航空公司陆续入驻大兴,也有一些国际航空公司了。

    At present , China 's major airlines are using Daxing , as well as a few international carriers .

  22. 行李规定:各大航空公司行李规定均不一样,留学生可多带一些,详情请电询!

    Baggage states : not like the major airlines baggage requirements , students may bring along some , please call Advisory !

  23. 在运营中,三大航空集团和海航具有明显的垄断优势。而它们之间也存在明显的竞争关系。

    The three big companies and Hainan airlines have apparent advantages of operational monopoly , and also intensive competition between them .

  24. 各大航空公司将增加的燃料成本以燃油附加费的形式转嫁到乘客身上。

    Airlines pinch passengers Major air carriers are passing increased fuel costs on to passengers in the form of surcharges and fees

  25. 这是本周中国三大航空公司管理层洗牌后,分析师们给出的解释。

    That is the spin analysts are putting on this week 's shuffle of management at the country 's top three carriers .

  26. 先进树脂基复合材料在航空领域应用日益广泛,继铝、钢、钛之后,已迅速发展成为四大航空结构材料之一。

    Advanced polymer matrix composites have been one of the mainly aeronautical structure materials and used widely in military and civil aircraft .

  27. 与国内外各大航空有着多年航空运输销售代理协议,并多次获得各类代理奖项。

    Major domestic and international aviation and air transport has many years sales agency agreement , and has received awards of various agents .

  28. 自东航合并上航以来,三大航空公司的股价表现平均领先大盘50%。

    Since the China Eastern merger , shares in the big three have beaten the benchmark by an average of 50 per cent .

  29. 比起各大航空公司的安全纪录,专家认为游轮兑现了安全的承诺。

    Compare those statistics to major airline safety records and cruise experts say you 'll see how their commitment to safety pays off .

  30. 分析师预计,东方航空将得到与南航同样数目的补贴。东航是中国三大航空公司中业绩最差的一家。

    Analysts predict China Eastern , the worst-performing of China 's three main airlines , will get about the same amount as China Southern .