
  • 网络Big Stage;grand stage;stage
  1. 我要在这大舞台上做我最优秀的工作。

    I do my best work on the big stage .

  2. 摘要旅游业是体验经济的大舞台。

    Tourism is a big stage of experience economy .

  3. 无线电城的音乐厅有一个大舞台。

    Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage .

  4. 金融市场是金融决战的大舞台,WTO对我国金融业的影响又都集中在金融市场,其焦点在于金融价格的自由化,即利率市场化、汇率自由化、证券价格合理化和人民币国际化。

    WTO 's effects occur in the financial market , especially in the price freedom .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO和改革进程的逐步深入,中国越来越多地融入世界经济大舞台。

    With China entering into WTO and gradually deepening of the reform process , China has been more and more integrating into the world economy .

  6. 这样,中国银行业才能在WTO的大舞台上与西方国家实行混业经营的全能金融巨头同台竞技。

    In this way , our banks can only compete in the same financial arena facing up the rules of WTO with the financial magnate from western countries .

  7. 那么在3G的大舞台上,运营商、设备制造商、内容提供商和风险投资家,创业者们将怎样表现呢?

    Therefore , what will be the game in the3G area among network operators , hardware providers , service or content providers , financial investors and entrepreneurs ?

  8. 国际水文研究计划(InternationalHydrologicalProgram;IHP)是国际水资源研究展示的大舞台,其发展是国际水资源研究发展的集成体现。

    International Hydrological Program ( IHP ) is the exhibiting platform of the international water resource research ; its advance is the integral record and embodiment of the development of worldwide water resource research .

  9. 从上世纪中期开始,主权财富基金(SovereignWealthFunds,SWFs,以下简称主权基金)开始出现并逐渐成为国际政治经济大舞台上的一股新兴力量。

    Since the middle of the last century , SWFs ( Sovereign Wealth Funds , hereinafter referred to as " sovereign funds ") has appeared and has gradually become an emerging power of the international political and economic arena .

  10. 泰勒周二在Instagram上晒出自己新发型的照片,同时也为即将在伦敦O2大舞台演出做预热。

    Taylor unveiled the new bob in an Instagram shot posted Tuesday as she geared up to jet out of London after one final show at the O2 Arena on Tuesday .

  11. 现在,在一个经济版的古巴导弹危机大舞台上,她是主角,跟欧洲央行行长MarioDraghi一起。

    Now she is the chief figure , along with Mario Draghi , president of the European Central Bank , in an economic version of the Cuban missile crisis .

  12. 联赛杯是一个垫脚石,可以帮助年轻球员进入EPL的大舞台。

    The competition is a stepping stone that has helped groom so many of our emerging players for the serious business of Premier League football .

  13. 公司秉承“团队、创新、超越”的企业理念,不断挑战自我,相信在不久的将来,亚宁盟德(ELE)将以更加光彩夺目的形象出现在国际竞争的大舞台。

    The philosophy of ELE is " Team , Innovation , and Surmounting " . We believe ELE will show on the international competition stage with a more glorious image in near future .

  14. FRD的目标很明确,首先是要发掘并培养中国年轻车手不断向F1的大舞台迈进;第二是要举办高水平的亚洲赛事;

    The aims of FRD are four fold , first , to train and assist young Asian drivers achieve their ultimate goal of becoming an F1 driver and second , to promote racing in Asia through specialized events .

  15. 德国:小轿车散件出口包装的大舞台

    Germany : the Large Exporting Packaging Arena for Automobiles in Bulk

  16. 在非洲大舞台上大猩猩有点象似是而非的隽语。

    The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene .

  17. 随后,学校,医院和工人大舞台也都相继关闭了。

    The schools , the hospital and the grand workers'theatre soon followed .

  18. 地球是个大舞台,每个人都扮演一个角色。

    The world is a stage and every man plays his part .

  19. 我当然会把本土球员带回足球大舞台。

    Certainly things are happening to bring local players back to club football .

  20. 被强有力地影射在了更大舞台上:

    is reflected by forces on a bigger stage :

  21. 这几年,部落风已经席卷了音乐节的各大舞台。

    This fashion trend has spread to music festival stages in recent years .

  22. 国际、国内顶级品牌展示形象的大舞台。

    Ideal stage of international and domestic brands'exposure .

  23. 你并没有被大舞台和庞大的乐队而吓倒。

    You didn 't look intimidated by this big stage or the big orchestra .

  24. 整个纽约是个大舞台。

    All of New York is a stage .

  25. 昨晚朋友请我一起去上海大舞台看陈亦迅演唱会,我就去了。

    Last night a friend invited me to go see Eason chan 's concert .

  26. 它是在上海大舞台举行的电视晚会中登场的。

    It was presented at a televised ceremony held at the Shanghai Grand Stage .

  27. 他认为这是他能够在大舞台表演的最好机会。

    He sees it as his best opportunity of appearing in a major tournament .

  28. 这位著名演员在全国所有的大舞台上都曾登台表演过。

    The famous actor has performed on all the great stages of the country .

  29. 经过几年小型演出中的表演锻炼,她终于成功地站上了大舞台。

    She finally arrived on the big stage after years of acting in small plays .

  30. 这是截至现在的参加人数:6000名运动员将在这个大舞台上展开激烈竞争。

    Here 's by the numbers look at what 's ahead : 6000 athletes competing .