
dà nǎo bàn qiú
  • cerebral hemisphere;hemicerebrum;paroncephala;hemisphaerium cerebri
大脑半球[dà nǎo bàn qiú]
  1. 结论早期行MR有助于明确诊断貌似大脑半球病变的脑干梗死。

    Conclusions MR performed at early stage may confirm the diagnosis for brainstem infarctions seemed to cerebral hemisphere in some clinical findings .

  2. 脑缺血2d梗死灶几乎累及缺血侧大脑半球额顶叶的全部及其纹状体的大部分;

    After 2 days of ischemia , the infarction distributed over the whole frontoparietal lobe and majority of its striatal temple of the ischemic cerebral hemisphere ;

  3. 大脑半球生殖细胞瘤的CT和MRI表现

    CT and MRI Findings of Germinoma of Cerebral Hemispheres

  4. 白介素-1βmRNA在缺血侧大脑半球不同区域表达的比较

    Comparison of il-1 β mRNA expression among the ischemic cerebral different areas in rats

  5. 误诊为脊髓病变的大脑半球型多发性硬化3例临床表现与MRI分析

    Hemisphere-brain Multiple Sclerosis Misdiagnosed as the " Spinal Cord Lesions ": 3 Cases Clinical and MRI Analysis

  6. 双侧硬脑膜外打击后形成双侧大脑半球脑皮层挫裂伤。设左半球为A侧(对照侧),右半球为B侧(治疗侧)。

    The left hemisphere was regarded as A side ( control side ), and the right was B side ( treaded side ) .

  7. 方法选择大脑半球胶质瘤患者16例,随机分为A组8例,B组8例。

    Methods 16 cases of patients with malignant cerebral glioma were divided into two groups ( A and B ) at random , 8 cases in each group .

  8. 结果5例HIV脑炎中,3例表现为双侧大脑半球白质区对称性异常信号,2例表现为脑萎缩。

    Results 3 cases showed the symmetry signal abnormal in bilateral whiter matter and 2 cases showed brain atrophy in 5 patients with HIV encephalitis .

  9. 结果巨脑回畸形CT影像特征性的表现大脑半球脑回增宽,脑皮层增厚,皮层内表面光滑,白质变薄。

    Results On CT characteristic appearances of the cerebral gyrus was enlarged , cerebral cortex was thick , but the internal surface of cortex was smooth , Cerebral medulla became thin .

  10. 对照组受检者单侧肢体运动均可在对侧大脑半球初级运动皮质观察到兴奋区,其最大信号像素时间-信号强度曲线与BLOCK模式运动时相一致。

    Signal changes were observed within contralateral primary motor cortex in subjects of control group . The maximal signal pixel time-signal curve was the same to the movement of BLOCK model .

  11. 结果5只兔栓塞后DSA显示颈内动脉细小分支及主干发生闭塞,CT平扫和增强在缺血6小时可见栓塞侧大脑半球片状低密度梗死区。

    Results Small branches and trunk of ICA were all obliterated after embolization . CT scanning showed patchy low - density areas after 6h of embolization .

  12. 分析28例钩体性脑动脉炎的CT所见,结果显示梗塞灶位于大脑半球,主要呈多发性和/或双侧性分布,超过半数位于供血交界区。

    The authors analyzed 28 cases of leptospiral cerebral arteritis in a CT study . The low-density focuses showed by CT scans mainly manifested multiple or / and bilateral distributions in brain .

  13. 两个水平断面的MRI显示在左侧大脑半球的白质区域有三个多发性硬化症斑块。

    This FLAIR magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) scan in transverse view at two levels demonstrates three multiple sclerosis plaques in white matter of the cerebral hemisphere on the left .

  14. 脑AVM多发生在大脑半球,呈挈形其尖端指向脑室。

    Brain AVM occurred in the hemisphere , with its leading edge at the oral form ventricle .

  15. 在19世纪60年月,法国外科医生PaulBroca注意到“右利手”和左大脑半球专门负责说话本领的瓜葛。

    In the1860s the French surgeon Paul Broca noted a relationship between right-handedness and left-hemispheric brain specialization for language abilities .

  16. N2波广泛分布头皮各区,左右大脑半球无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    The N2 waveform distributes all regions in the scalp , and there is no significant difference in right and left hemisphere .

  17. 方法:对35例大脑半球损害的病人同时或短期内进行MMSE和P300测查。

    Methods : 35 patients with cerebral hemisphere damage were examined by MMSE and P300 simultaneously or within short time .

  18. 卒中患者健侧大脑半球rTMS的假刺激控制试验

    A sham stimulation-controlled trial of rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in stroke patients

  19. 目的探讨外伤后急性大脑半球肿胀(ACHS)的临床特点,CT、MRI影像学表现和治疗效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical characteristics , manifestations on CT and MRI and curative outcome of acute cerebral hemisphere swelling ( ACHS ) .

  20. 对感兴趣区(ROI)进行分析,计算右侧大脑半球体素百分数,了解右侧大脑半球在两种语言任务作业时的工作策略;

    With analysis of ROI ( regions of interest ), voxel percentage of the right hemisphere was obtained to determine its working strategy in both tasks .

  21. 大脑半球皮层和深部灰质核团同时出现片状等长T1、长T2信号2例。

    Type 2 : abnormal long T_1 and T_2 signal in cerebral cortex and deep gray matter were detected in 2 cases ( 2 / 13 );

  22. 18例诊断为重度HIE,大脑半球呈弥漫性低密度,脑室、脑池变窄,其中8例合并颅内出血。

    Low-density patch extended over the cerebral hemisphere and the ventricle and cisterna were narrowed . Intracerebral bleeding occurred in 8 out of the 18 cases .

  23. 导致HSN的左右大脑半球病变的病变部位相似。

    The locations of left and right cerebral hemispheric lesions induced HSN were similar .

  24. 结果大脑半球脑叶受累及的数量、重要灰质功能区域受累及的范围以及脑实质和脑室内出血等MRI征象与临床的病情程度具有显著的相关性(P≤0.05);

    Results The number of focus in cerebral lobe , the cerebral cortex in important function area was involved and hemorrhage in cerebral or in ventricle are related with the patient 's clinical manifestation obviously . ( P0 . 05 ) .

  25. 发病后6周评估,忽视症的发生率为19.2%,其中右大脑半球忽视症的发生率为32.5%,左大脑半球忽视症的发生率为3.03%,两者差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    The incidence of neglect was 19.2 % at the point of 6 weeks , which occurred in 32.5 % of right brain damaged patients and in 3.03 % of left brain damaged patients . The difference among them was significance ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 另外,电针还能使非梗死侧大脑半球β2波的平均功率有升高趋势(P<0.05),并且在项区的变化上呈现统计学上的差异(P<0.05)。

    Yet there is no obviously difference between electricity acupuncture and the initiative movement ( P > 0.05 ) Furthermore , we still found that the electricity acupuncture would be able to cause the B2 wave 's average power ascend obviously in non-infarction side of cerebral hemisphere .

  27. 结果表明:留针和电针刺激对对侧大脑半球皮质、对侧丘脑、同侧基底核和双侧小脑的作用有显著性差异(P<0.01),电针者血流功能变化率高于留针者。

    Results showed a significant difference in effect of needle retention and electro-acupuncture stimulation on contralateral cerebral hemisphere cortex and thalamus , ipsilateral basal ganglion and bilateral cerebella , the change on cerebral blood flow induced by electroacupuncture was greater than that induced by the former method .

  28. 方法随机抽取神经外科轻型闭合性颅脑损伤患者正常的头颅CT片100例,将大脑半球在各扫描层面上自前向后分三等份运用大脑髓突进行定位。

    Methods The CT data of 100 patients with slight closed trauma of the head were selected randomly , and the cerebrum was divided into three equal parts in the anterioposterior direction on the scanning sections , which were localized by cerebral processus neuralis .

  29. 研究人员还发现,男女大脑半球对称性不同:男性左侧IPL比右侧大,女性的正好相反。

    Researchers also found a symmetry difference : Men have a larger left IPL than right . In women the opposite is true .

  30. 目的:探讨不同大脑半球的癎灶对癫癎患者记忆功能影响的特点以及癫癎患者的事件相关电位(P(300))、脑干诱发电位(BAEP)变化情况及其与记忆障碍之间的相关性。

    Objective : To investigate the characteristics in memory impairment with different epileptogenic focus . To explore the alteration and the correlation between memory impairment and event-related potential ( ERP ) P300 and brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) .