- 名throne;enterprise of unifying the whole country

(1) [unify a country]∶指一统国家的事业
(2) [emperor]∶指帝位
After Tsau Tsau 's death , Tsau Pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei . Jealous of Tsau Jr 's literary ability , and afraid that he might cause problems , Tsau Pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother .
However after that , Confucianism became the dominant philosophy in the people 's mind .
Under the existing legal framework , the Chinese companies should learn to develop more segmented products .
In the16th of Datong , the official foundation of The Fubing system also marked the form of the Guanlong Group .
Shang is not a leagUe of these states , but a uniformed slave-society kingdom headed by the Shang kings and ruled by these lords .
Recently , the p262 , after the conflagration , was re-opened in the area , and it has brought a fashion of women consumption .
Barclay de Tolly did his utmost to command the army in the best way possible , so as to do his duty and gain the reputation of a great general .
It had some impact on the official system of the Sui and Tang dynasties , which mainly actually had origin from the official system formed after the reform of the Western Wei Datong 12 years .