- 网络Bigeye Tuna;Thunnus obesus

Study on resource , environment and fishing-ground of Atlantic bigeye tuna
The efficiency of the experimental gear for the bigeye tuna was greater than that of the traditional gear ;
Using HSI model for analyzing the habitat suitability of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in the Indian Ocean
Outline of Fishery and Resource of Bigeye Tuna , Thunnus obesus ( Lowe ) in Indian Ocean
Atlantic bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) has high market value . It covers almost the whole Atlantic Ocean .
This article will gives the execution process of how to make fishery information products based on " Pacific big eye tuna fishing ground and SST superpose distribution graphs " and " Forecast of the central fishing grounds of The East China Sea " .
Age and growth of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus alalunga ) in the Atlantic Ocean
Fishery resources of big - Eye Tuna
Biological characteristics of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in the southern and central Indian Ocean
Fisheries of the Atlantic bigeye tuna
a spicy bigeye tuna ceviche with puffed quinoa , soy-cured egg yolk , avocado , mountain yam and furikake seasoning ;
Preliminary study on the catch distribution of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) longline and fishing grounds environment in the Pacific Ocean
Time series wavelet characters of the catch rate of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) caught by longline fishery in northwest Indian Ocean
From the catch of three main gears ( longline , purse seine , baitboat ), the development of its fishery can be seen .
When the target species was bigeye tuna , the experimental gear was suggested to be used in the operation to increase the fishing efficiency ;
This paper reviewed the history and recent status of bigeye tuna fishery according to the nominal catch and analyses the fisheries of each ocean by different fishing gears .
In the bigeye tuna 's species composition of prey , the percentage of cephalopod ( squid ) or miscellaneous fish is relatively high , 48.36 % or 24.59 % respectively .
This paper describes the big eye tuna fisheries , their biological characteristics , resource status and management countermeasures in the Atlantic Ocean , the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean respectively .
The study shows that , fishing-ground of Atlantic bigeye tuna long-line fishery is mainly located in tropical area between 15 ° N and 15 ° S , and has seasonal variation obviously .
Relationship between temperature structural variances and hooking rates of bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) in tuna longline of Southeastern Pacific Ocean The albatrosses try to eat the bait and get dragged down and drowned .
The big eye tuna is widely distributed within 40 o N and 40 o S of the Pacific Ocean , the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean , and is one of the important tuna fishery species .
Based on the data collected by Fishery Scientific Observers in Chinese tuna longline fleet in the Atlantic Ocean during 2001 and 2003-2005 , the biological features of main fishing species i.e. , bigeye tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) and yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares ) were analyzed .