
  • 网络The Dictator;The Great Dictator;Great Dictator, The
  1. 胡安国王结束了大独裁者弗朗西斯科·弗朗哥(FranciscoFranco)长达40年的独裁统治,堪称推动西班牙民主进程的英雄人物,但其在位后期却也丑闻不断。

    A hero to many for helping to restore democracy to Spain after the 40-year dictatorship of Francisco Franco , Juan Carlos 's later years on the throne were dogged by scandals .

  2. 如果你想讽刺某个无法无天的领袖,要干这件事有很多办法,比如查理·卓别林(CharlieChaplin)的《大独裁者》(TheGreatDictator),从各方面讽刺了希特勒,只是没有指名道姓。

    If you want to satirize a lawless leader , there are plenty of ways to skin that cat , as Charlie Chaplin demonstrated with " The Great Dictator , " which skewered Hitler in everything but name .

  3. 查理·卓别林直到演出“大独裁者”一片时才开口说话,他在这之前都是演哑剧。

    Not until THE GREAT DICTATOR did Charlie Chaplin play a speaking part . All his previous roles were in pantomime .