
dà qì chén jiànɡ
  • atmospheric sedimentation
  1. 在世界许多国家及地区的地表水和地下水中以及大气沉降物中检测出了阿特拉津的残留物,它对生态环境的影响具有全球性。

    Residual material of atrazine was founded in the surface water , underground water , and atmospheric sedimentation , and it resulted in the global ecological influences .

  2. 大气沉降补充的营养盐占年初级生产所需氮、磷的6%和1.5%,为河流输入营养盐的3~5倍。

    The nutrients compensated by the atmospheric sedimentation account for 6 % of nitrogen and 1.5 % of phosphorus consumed by the annual primary production , which are 3 to 5 times the nutrients discharged by the rivers .

  3. 厦门地区~7Be和~(210)Pb的大气沉降通量

    Atmospheric Depositional Fluxes of ~ 7Be and ~ ( 210 ) Pb at Xiamen

  4. 大气沉降中主要的OCPs为HCH,沉降通量显示出冬季夏季春季的季节性变化。

    The main component of atmospheric deposition is HCH , seasonal variations of deposition fluxes is winter summer spring .

  5. 国外大气沉降泥炭沼泽档案研究进展

    Advance in Peat Bog Archives of Atmospheric Deposition with Overseas Researches

  6. 苔藓对大气沉降重金属元素富集作用的研究

    Study on concentration of heavy metals deposited from atmosphere by mosses

  7. 福建省兴化湾大气沉降中重金属的测定

    Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals to Xinghua bay , fujian Province

  8. 兰州市大气沉降尘中正构烷烃分布及环境意义

    Distribution of n-alkane and Environmental Significance about the Lanzhou Atmospheric Dust

  9. 气象因素对大气沉降物总β放射性沉降的影响

    Effects of Climatic Elements on Gross β Radioactivity of Fallout

  10. 我国第一颗原子弹试验后青岛地区的大气沉降

    The air deposits in Qingdao region after the Chinese first nuclear explosion

  11. 大气沉降对土壤重金属累积的影响

    Effects of air settlement on heavy metal accumulation in soil

  12. 农药可以通过直接施用或大气沉降进入土壤-作物系统。

    Pesticides can enter the system by direct application or by atmospheric deposition .

  13. 上海市大气沉降物总α、总β放射性监测

    Monitoring of Gross α and Gross β Radioactivity in Atmospheric Fallout in Shanghai City

  14. 兰州市冬季大气沉降尘粒度特征及来源解析

    A study of the characteristics and source of the atmospheric deposition dust in Lanzhou

  15. 大气沉降是大气中许多物质进入海洋的重要途径之一。

    Atmospheric deposition is one of vital paths for atmospheric substance input to oceans .

  16. 大气沉降在全球物质循环中的作用更加显现。

    The vital function of deposition will be more apparent on the global atmospheric circulation .

  17. 论道清铁路对沿线社会经济的影响青岛地区大气沉降物中碳水化合物初步研究

    The effects of Dao-qing Railway on the social and economical lives of people along the railway

  18. 大气沉降物的研究

    A Study on the Atmospheric Deposition

  19. 大气沉降也是许多海洋和陆地生态系统的主要氮源之一。

    Atmospheric deposition is found to be a major N source for many terrestrial and marine ecosystems .

  20. 大气沉降过程(包括干沉降和湿沉降等过程)是化学物质进入沿海区域的重要途径之一。

    Atmospheric deposition ( dry plus wet ) can be a significant process for chemical entering coastal waters .

  21. 湿地能吸收大气沉降和地表径流的汞,是汞的汇。

    The wetland can absorb Hg of atmospheric deposition and runoff , so it is the sink of Hg .

  22. 采集了4个北京大气沉降样品,包括3个总沉降与1个湿沉降样品。

    Four Beijing atmospheric deposition samples were collected , which included three total deposition samples and one wet deposition sample .

  23. 大气沉降核素~(7)Be在黄土高原地被物中的分布初探

    Primary study on distribution of cosmogenic ~ ( 7 ) Be in the soil surface cover materials on loess plateau

  24. 旱作土壤可为作物利用的养分主要来源于土壤矿化、大气沉降和肥料投入。

    The nutrient source of dry-farming has comed from air nutrient down into soils , and soil nutrient mineralization , and applied fertilizers .

  25. 饮用水中的铅主要来自河流、岩石、土壤和大气沉降。

    The Pb contamination in drinking-water comes mainly from the descent of Pb in the air , river , rock , and soil .

  26. 正构烷烃单体碳稳定性同位素组成在浑蒲灌区的水样品与大气沉降样品之间及不同时期的大气样品之间均存在显著的差异。

    The differences between the carbon isotopic compositions of n-alkanes in water and those in atmospheric deposition samples collected in different periods were significant .

  27. 20世纪70年代后期,大气沉降和环境酸化对森林水质的影响成为研究趋势。

    Late 1970 ' , the research trend was to study the influence of air sedimentation and environment acidification to water quality of forest .

  28. 在全流域尺度上,大气沉降与土壤侵蚀过程是流域氮素平衡的主导因素。

    In the in the whole basin scale , atmospheric deposition and soil erosion process is a dominant factor in the watershed nitrogen balance .

  29. 在开阔海洋或某些缺乏营养元素的局部海域,大气沉降是海洋生物生长所需营养元素的主要来源。

    In the open ocean or some regional seas lacking of nutrients , atmospheric deposition is also an important source for nutrients necessary for organisms .

  30. 苔藓植物因其特殊的形态结构和生物学性质被广泛应用于环境变化和大气沉降的指示和监测。

    Due to the peculiar morphological structure and biological characteristics , mosses have been widely employed in indicating and monitoring environmental change and atmospheric deposition .