
Discussion of the Influence of Abnormal Atmosphere Transmission on the Radar and Its Improvement Method
It has been shown by studying the radar echo top heights that the abnormal refraction of the atmosphere can cause obvious errors in the radar measurements of height .
There exist two kinds of mechanisms to interpret the role of external forcing on the atmospheric anomalies , of which the interaction between external forcing and internal atmospheric dynamical processes is a very important aspect .
1986-87 northern winter asia / australia circulation anomalies with their relation to the Western Pacific SST
Effect of the Low Frequency Variability of the Region III Arctic Sea Ice Cover upon the Northern Hemisphere Atmosphere General Circulation Anomaly in Winter
Relationship between summer typhoon frequency anomalies in Western Pacific and ENSO events , and the anomalous atmospheric circulation characteristics
Analysis shows that the anomalous largescale atmospheric circulation affects the turbulent heat flux and thus plays a significant role in changing the SST anomalies .
By using of temperature , height , UV wind field datasets for global 40 years , global circulation anomalous spatial feature of cold / warm years in summer in east-northern China and its long-period variation is analysed .
The ENSO related winter and summer atmospheric circulation anomalies ( including air temperature and precipitation ) can be basically predicted with the lead time being up 9 to 12 months .
Moreover , the interdecadal climate variabilities in East Asia and China are also reviewed and possible role of these variations in the PDO is also discussed .
When the summer rainfall TBO is the second mode , circulation anomaly is almost in subtropical zone and mid-high latitude . 5 .
The discussion on the formation mechanism of the global general circulation anomalies reveals that it is the propagation of two dimensional Rossby wave train and the internal atmospheric dynamic process due to external forcing that mainly cause the summer general circulation anomalies .
Based on the composite analysis of the NCAR / NCEP reanalyze datasets , significant differences existing in ENSO-related atmospheric circulation anomaly in East Asia during pre-and post-shift periods may be responsible for the interdecadal variation of relationships between ENSO and surface air temperature and precipitation in China .
Base on the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis monthly mean data and the data of summer high temperature , the relations between Spring atmospheric circulation anomaly and summer high temperature in Shandong province are analyzed by using the singular value decomposition ( SVD ) technique and composite analysis method etc.
In this paper , analysis of snow cover data during 1979-1986 in western China which were derived by NASA from SMMR show : ( 1 ) 2-3 weeks oscillation exists widely in the 8 years .
Near earth surface anomalies of the atmospheric electric field and earthquakes
Observation and study on anomaly of atmospheric static-electric field before earthquakes
On the Mechanism of Summertime Atmospheric Anomalies Induced by External Forcing
Horizontal and vertical structures of the northern winter atmospheric circulation anomaly
Characteristics of the Atmospheric Electric Field Anomaly Before two Datong-Yanggao Earthquakes
Discrimination of atmospheric electronic filed anomalies and statistical test of prediction effectiveness
Evaluating the Statistical Validity Regard Static Electric Field Anomalies as Earthquake Precursors
Analysis on the abnormaly of tropical circulation during the summer of 1983
A tentative approach on the correlation between atmospheric circulation anomaly and earthquake
A study on prediction of the anomalous atmospheric general circulation in 1998
A Note on Composite Analysis of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies
Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies during Wetting Summer over Xinjiang Region
Analysis of Flood Change in Henan Province and Abnormally Characters of Atmospheric Circulation
Influence of Spring Atmospheric circulation Anomaly on Summer High Temperature in Shandong Province
A study of relationships between spring / winter and summer general circulation anomalies