
  • 网络Daqu liquor;SCOF
  1. 在浓香型大曲酒丢糟中添加TH-AADY、糖化酶和纤维素酶酿造食醋,同时配合应用生香ADY。

    TH-AADY , glucoamylase and cellulase were added in spent grains of Luzhou-flavor Daqu coupled with the use of aroma-producingADY to produce edible vinegar .

  2. 浅析酯对浓香型大曲酒质量的影响

    The Influence of Ester on Quality of Perfume Hard Liquor

  3. TH&AADY在浓香型大曲酒双轮工艺中的应用

    Application of TH & AADY in Twice Bottom Fermentation Technology of Luzhou-flavour Liquor

  4. 浓香型大曲酒微生物生态工程的构想

    Conception of Microbial Biology Project of Luzhou-flavor Daqu Liquor

  5. 提高浓香型大曲酒质量和出酒率的技术措施

    Technical Measures to Improve the Quality & the Yield of Luzhou-flavor Daqu Liquor

  6. 提高浓香型大曲酒质量的方法

    Methods of Improving the Quality of Luzhou-flavour Daqu Liquor

  7. 微生物分子生态学技术应用于大曲酒的微生物学研究

    Application of Microbial Molecular Ecology Techniques in the Research on Microbiology of Daqu Liquor

  8. 以大米为原料结合人工老窖法酿造浓香型大曲酒

    Technology of Luzhou-flavour Daqu Liquor with Rice as Material combining with Man-made fementation pit

  9. 浓香型大曲酒的堆积发酵研究

    Study on Luzhou-flavour Liquor by Piling Fermentation

  10. 利用多甑双轮发酵提高浓香型大曲酒质量

    Improving the Quality of Luzhou-flavor Daqu Liquors by Double Bottom Fermentation for Several Steamers of Fermented Grains

  11. 浓香型大曲酒生产中,泥窖的优劣对酒质有重要的影响。

    The conditions of mud pits have important effects on liquor quality in the production of Luzhou-flavour Daqu liquor .

  12. 白酒酿造中不同时期曲块优势菌株的测定大曲酒糖化阶段一株优势细菌分离鉴定

    Detection of dominant microorganisms in Daqu at different storage stage Isolation and identification of dominant bacteria in saccharification phase of Daqu liquor production

  13. 介绍了生物氧化沟工艺处理大曲酒酿造废水,重点探讨了运行控制系统。

    Biological oxidation groove to treat wastewater in Daqu liquor production was introduced in this paper and its operation control system was studied .

  14. 正丁醇处理与磷酸酯酶之提取浓香型大曲酒生产中正丁醇生成量差异的原因

    NORMAL BUTYL ALCOHOL AND THE EXTRACTABILITY OF PHOSPHATASES Reasons of Different Content of Normal Butyl Alcohol During the Pro duction of Luzhou-flavor Daqu Liquor

  15. 清香型大曲酒的总酯与总酸比值约为5.5∶1,而清香型小曲酒的总酯与总酸比值则为5∶4;

    The ratio of total ester and total acid is about 5.5 ∶ 1 in Fen-flavour Daqu liquor but 5 ∶ 4 in Fen-flavour Xiaoqu liquor ;

  16. 本实验利用己酸菌液淋窖、灌窖及其养护窖,使用前后对照分析己酸菌发酵液对浓香型大曲酒的影响。

    This test use the fermental liquid of the caproic-acid filtering , filling and conserving mud , analyze the influence of the caproic-acid on the luzhou-flavor liquor .

  17. 在浓香型大曲酒生产中的酯化酶粗酶制剂生产过程易遭受杂菌污染而使酒质低下。

    The poor quality of liquor resulted from undesired microbes that contaminated in crude esterase preparation during during the production of a highly flavor type Daqu liquor .

  18. 葡萄糖氧化制草酸母液分析研究己酸菌发酵液在浓香型大曲酒生产中的应用

    The Study on Producing Oxalic Acid Mother Liquid by Oxidation of Glucose The application of the fermental liquid of the caproic acid on the luzhou - flavor liquor

  19. 调制浓香型白酒,生料酒可使用50%,大曲酒20%~30%,酒精10%,调味酒、香精香料适量;

    Luzhou-flavour liquor : 50 % liquor with uncooked material , 20 % ~ 30 % Daqu liquor , 10 % alcohol and proper quantity of flavouring liquor and flavor .

  20. 干制活性窖泥功能菌可应用于浓香型大曲酒生产过程中的窖池建设、窖泥培养、发酵过程。

    The culture of dry active pit mud functional bacteria saved on water , electricity , vapour , manpower , and culture equipment in comparison with man-cultured caproic acid bacteria solution .

  21. 调制清香型白酒,生料酒60%~70%,清香大曲酒30%,酒头酒尾、香精香料适量。

    Fen-flavour liquor : 60 % ~ 70 % liquor with uncooked material , 30 % Fen-flavour Daqu liquor , and proper quantity of head liquor , end liquor and flavor .

  22. 在浓香型大曲酒生产过程中,因季节变化、操作不当或生产环境、条件等引起糟醅变黑、酒质变差。

    In the production of Luzhou-flavor Daqu liquors , season changes , inadequate operation or variation of production environ-ments and production conditions would result in fermented grains black and liquor quality inferior .

  23. 介绍了浓香型大曲酒生产中稻壳水分、温度、淀粉、酸度、曲粉及糟醅等因素的调整和控制的原则和方法。

    The paper introduces the principle and method of adjustment and control factors such as rice hull , water , temperature , starch acidity , koji powder and fermented grains etc. in Luzhou-flavor liquor production .

  24. 大曲是酿制大曲酒的糖化剂、发酵剂和生香剂,曲乃酒之骨,要酿好酒,必有好曲。

    There is an old saying : " Koji rules liquor ", " The production of quality liquor needs quality koji ", Daqu means saccharifying agents , leaven and aroma-producing agents in the production of Daqu liquor .

  25. 浓香型大曲酒的质量与窖池密切相关,注重窖池的管理主要要做好两方面工作,一是设计好窖池,培养好窖泥并防止其退化,注重保养;

    The quality of Luzhou-flavour liquor is closely correlated with its pit management and the pit management contains mainly two aspects as follows . Firstly , a good design of pit , proper culture of pit mud against degeneration and careful maintenance are necessary .

  26. 将酯化液直接蒸馏浓缩提纯制成调味酒用于勾调白酒,或将酯化液直接倒入底锅中串蒸,或倒入粮醅进行蒸馏,均可明显提高大曲酒的品质,增加企业的经济效益。

    Then the esterifying liquid was condensed into blending liquor by direct distillation for liquor blending ( or both direct discharge of esterifying liquid in bottom pot for cross steaming and discharge in fermented grains for distillation ) could evidently improve Daqu quality and increase enterprise economic benefits .