
  • 网络Dah Sing Bank;DSB;Dah Sing
  1. 萧氏企业也是重要投资者,而包括香港大新银行(DahSingBank)在内的另外八家基础投资者将认购这近6亿美元预售股份的其余部分。

    DE Shaw will also be a significant investor , while eight other cornerstones , including Dah Sing Bank in Hong Kong will make up the rest of a near $ 600m .

  2. 阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?

    Are you an existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder ?

  3. 例如,自3月中旬以来,创兴银行(chonghingbank)和大新银行(dahsingbanking)已经分别上涨了40%和58%。

    The shares of Chong Hing Bank and Dah Sing Banking , for example , have increased by 40 per cent and 58 per cent respectively since mid-March .

  4. 惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。

    Dah Sing Bank 's long term rating had been affirmed as " A - " and " A3 " by Fitch and Moody 's respectively in2009 .

  5. 请填妥此表格,并亲身交回任何一间大新银行分行,以便处理。

    Please complete this form and return it to any Dah Sing branch In Person for processing .

  6. 请检查网址重新输入或按这里返回大新银行首页。

    Please check the URL for proper spelling or click here to go back to Dah Sing Bank home page .

  7. 为完成分期付款申请,学生或教职员需于订购时即场填写恒行银行或大新银行直接支帐授权书。

    Approval for the installment application is subject to the final decision of the bank . - you are required to complete a direct debit authorization form to hang seng bank or dash Sing Bank for monthly repayment .

  8. 深圳发展银行大集中、大前置新一代银行信息系统架构及实施策略

    The New Generation Bank Information System Structure and Application Strategy of Shenzhen Development Bank

  9. 大新金融为集团人寿及一般保险业务的控股公司,亦为大新银行集团之主要股东。

    DSFH is the holding company for the group 's life and general insurance business , as well as the majority shareholder in DSBG .