
  1. 那些寻找大数据人才的雇主需要我们具备哪些技能?

    What skills are big data employers looking for ?

  2. 很明显,对大数据人才的需求将继续迅猛增长。

    The phenomenal growth in demand for big data talent is apparently set to continue .

  3. 本次会议着重讨论了麦肯锡的一份研究报告,是关于我们如何能够利用大数据和网上人才平台,以更好地培养工作岗位上的人才,以实现即使这些人才没有被贴上大学学位的徽章,也能在其所在之处找到他们,

    The meeting 's focus was a new McKinsey study on how we can use big data and online talent platforms to better nurture talent in the work force , find it where it already exists but may not be " badged "

  4. 石油业想要找到并培训足够的劳动力开采石油从来就不用费太大的劲,但要培训娴熟的大数据专业人才就完全是另一码事了。

    The oil patch has never had much trouble finding and training enough roughnecks to get oil out of the ground , but training up skilled big data professionals is a different enterprise entirely .