
  • 网络Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau;Daqing petroleum Admin-Lstrative Bureau
  1. 本文提出的方法是大庆石油管理局自行研制的新的人工合成声波测井技术,它的分辨能力不但高于经常规方法处理的地震剖面,也明显地高于经国外的Seislog和Velog处理的剖面。

    The method introduced in this paper is a new synthetic acoustic log technique developed by Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau itself .

  2. 大庆石油管理局资本运营研究关于资本经营的思考

    The Research of Capital Management Petroleum for DaQing Petroleum Administration Bureau

  3. 大庆石油管理局通信公司发展战略研究

    Development Strategy Study of Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Communication Company

  4. 大庆石油管理局召开节能工作会议

    Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Held An Energy Saving Working Meeting

  5. 大庆石油管理局粉煤灰综合利用现状及前景

    Comprehensive Utilization of Fly Ash in Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau

  6. 大庆石油管理局钻探集团;

    Drilling Group , CNPC Daqing Petroleum Administration ; 2 .

  7. 大庆石油管理局多种经营企业产权制度改革的研究

    Research of the Property System 's Reform of Diversified Economy of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau

  8. 大庆石油管理局

    Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau

  9. 实践证明,采用分布式数据库结构可以有效的满足大庆石油管理局通信公司的线路管理要求。

    It proved that distributed database structure can meet the need of circuit management of Daqing petroleum management bureau telecom .

  10. 国有企业领导人员选考机制探析&大庆石油管理局领导人员管理实践

    Discussion on Screening Mechanisms of Directing Staff in State-Owned Enterprise & Management Practice of Directing Staff in Daqing Petroleum Administration

  11. 它位于繁华的商业区,交通便利,与闻名中外的大庆石油管理局近在咫尺。

    It locates in prosperous business district with convenient traffic , near at hand to the world-famous Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau .

  12. 研究钻井作业成本管理对实现大庆石油管理局低成本战略的目标和可持续发展具有重要意义。

    Researching the cost managing of drilling operation bears great significance for the DPAB to realize the goal of low cost strategic and persistable development .

  13. 如何改善和加强企业的赊销与信用管理是大庆石油管理局必须解决的重要课题。

    So how to better and strengthen the credit sale and credit management is a pre-requisite task for Daqing Oil Administration Bureau ( DOAB for short ) .

  14. 大庆石油管理局整体上建立起以资本为纽带的母子公司体制,最终把大庆石油管理局改造为中国石油天然气集团控股、战略投资者参股的大型企业集团。

    Through capital connection , DaQing Petroleum Administration Bureau establish mother-son corporation system as whole , become large-scale enterprise group that CNPC serve as holding company and strategic investor sharing the stock .

  15. 分析了大庆石油管理局多种经营系统现状及存在的问题,提出了多种经营系统的营销公司初步构想,具体分析了大庆石油管理局多种经营系统营销的实施步骤及关键点。

    The paper puts forward a tentative conception of sales company of diversified economy system and analysis market concrete implementation steps and essential elements of diversified economy system of Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau .

  16. 大庆电力集团是大庆石油管理局下属的专业分公司,主要担负大庆石油、石化生产建设、大庆市地方工业和城市居民生活发电、供电及供热任务。

    It is mainly shouldering the production and construction of Daqing petroleum and petrochemical . It is also affording the duty of electricity generation , the power supplying and heating to Daqing local industry and the citizens living .

  17. 承担着大庆油田有限责任公司、大庆石油管理局、大庆石化分公司、大庆炼化分公司以及其下属的分支单位的网络接入及与中国石油总部的通讯任务。

    Bear the Daqing Oilfield Company Limited , Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau , Daqing Petrochemical Corporation , Daqing Petrochemical Company and its subordinate units of the branch network access and the headquarters of the China Petroleum and communications tasks .