
  1. 大家相互推推胳膊,眨眨眼睛,低声耳语。但是汤姆却正襟危坐。

    Nudges and winks and whispers traversed the room , but Tom sat still .

  2. 那天晚上,大家在推特上面就像小屁孩爬着去够玩具枪似的。

    On Twitter that night , we were like toddlers crawling towards a gun .

  3. 时间竟然过的这么快这太疯狂了你们大家的推特和请求

    I can 't believe it 's gone by this fast , This is crazy , you guys with your tweets and requests

  4. 其中华丽的“现在观看”界面(WatchNow)提供了即时播放的电视节目的浮层图像,我可以通过点击图片获得更多信息,甚至可以看到大家发的推特(Twitter)内容。

    A handsome ' Watch Now ' view floated images of currently playing programs on my screen , and I tapped on each for more details , including related Twitter feeds .

  5. 大家分成小组使用推土设备修复了水道。政府官员也提议未来十年发布禁渔令,保护该地区濒临灭绝的野生鱼类。

    Groups used earth-moving equipment to restore the waterways . Government officials proposed to protect the area 's endangered wild fish by issuing a fishing ban over the next decade .