
  • 网络bulk chemicals;commodity chemicals
  1. 评述了工业生物技术是生物经济的支柱,其应用将形成生物能源产品工程与生物炼制技术生产大宗化学品与生物材料的产品工程。

    Industrial bio-technology is the support for bio-economy . Its applications will bring forth bio-energy , bulk chemicals and biomaterials .

  2. 合成气(CO+H2)催化转化是在后石油时代最现实可行的获得可替代油料和大宗化学品的途径之一。

    Syngas catalytic conversion technology is one of ways to active alternative fuel and bulk chemicals instead of petroleum during the post-petroleum era .

  3. 氯仿是一个大宗化学品,用途广,用量大,因此,利用CTC催化加氢转化技术生产氯仿不仅可以解决环境污染问题,而且具有明显的经济效益,是处理CTC的最佳方案之一。

    Hence converting CTC to chloroform is one of the best options , which can solve the environmental pollution , besides it is of economical advantages .

  4. 乙酸乙酯是一种用途广泛的大宗化学品。

    Ethyl acetate is a widely used chemical .

  5. 乙烯和芳烃是极为重要的大宗化学品,其现有工业化生产主要是基于不可再生的化石原料(煤炭、石油和天然气),并且伴有较为严重的环保问题。

    As the important staple chemicals , Ethylene and arenes are mostly produced from petroleum , coal and natural gas in industry , which are not reproducible going with the pollutions to environment .

  6. 乙苯是重要的石油化工大宗有机化学品,其下游产品如工程塑料、合成树脂、合成橡胶等是建筑、汽车、电子及日用品等行业的重要原材料,用途非常广泛。

    Ethylbenzene is an important petrochemical organic chemicals , and its down-stream products such as engineering plastics , synthetic resin , synthetic rubber are important raw materials which have close relationship with construction industry , auto industry , electron industry and daily necessities .