
  1. 其实我的灵魂伴侣正是我的大学同学。

    My soulmate was actually my classmate at uni .

  2. 我们大学同学里一群人想每年都一起出去玩一次,但如果没人帮助劳拉,她会对安排大大小小的事情感到厌倦!

    A group of us from university7 try to go away together every year , but Laura is going8 to get sick and tired of organising everything if no one helps her !

  3. 利用大学同学的关系,他们也早早地向Facebook、Dropbox、Airbnb和Zappos等创业公司投了资。

    Leveraging college connections , they also invested early in Facebook , Dropbox , airbnb , and Zappos .

  4. 我刚刚和前几年一起共事的同事一起吃了顿饭,我刚在LinkedIn上给很久没有联系的大学同学发了封邮件。

    I just had lunch with someone I worked for years ago and I just connected on LinkedIn with former colleagues I hadn 't heard from in quite a while .

  5. 五年前,KevinWong住在美国的一位大学同学给他打电话,提醒他曾经萌生的尿湿感应尿片的想法。KevinWong自己倒是忘了这点。

    Five years ago , one of his college classmates , who lived in the U.S. , called Mr. Wong and reminded him of the moisture-sensing diaper idea , which Mr. Wong himself had forgotten about .

  6. 另一个我最喜欢的插画设计师是CristobalSchmal,他很巧的是我的一个大学同学。

    Another illustration favorite is illustrator and designer Cristobal Schmal who also happens to be a colleague .

  7. 我有个大学同学住在这。

    I went to the same academy as our friend there .

  8. 我仍与远方的大学同学保持着联系。

    I still keep up with my college classmates far away .

  9. 上周四,我们为我的大学同学庆祝生日。

    Last Thursday my college-mates and I got a birthday party .

  10. 我大学同学杰西卡嫁给了一个大导演。

    My college friend Jessica is married a big time movie producer .

  11. 他在2006年娶了他的大学同学格雷斯为妻。

    He married his wife Grace , a college classmate , in2006 .

  12. 她认为她的大学同学们可能也不满意他们自己的生活。

    She thought that her former college classmates might also be dissatisfied .

  13. 在德克萨斯大学同学中,他的激情演讲非常出名。

    Known by his UT teammates for his motivational speeches .

  14. 你和大学同学比来比去

    And ... You competing with your friends from college ,

  15. 找来凯特的大学同学就是为了让她来参加吗?

    for Kate 's college friends lust to Get her to come ?

  16. 这里是几年以来我在各处碰到的大学同学的一些照片。

    I have met with quite a few college classmates at different occasions .

  17. 那天,我跟大学同学说我又要找房子,同住的人要我马上搬走。

    Recently I have been looking for a house and moving to live .

  18. 所以我邀请了所有的大学同学

    And I invited all ofher friends from college .

  19. 我和好几个大学同学来了个小团圆。

    Several classmates from my university had a mini-reunion .

  20. 我不愿我的大学同学用询问的眼神看我。

    I could easily do without the questioning looks of my college classmates .

  21. 我和一个大学同学哈格思,在洛杉矶成立公司。

    So my collage roommate Huggus who I started this company in LA with .

  22. 爸爸和大山是大学同学。

    Dad and Dashan went to school together .

  23. 我是这位女士的大学同学

    I went to college with this woman ,

  24. 京晶:不错哦。我和几个大学同学一起来了个小旅行。

    Yeah , I went on a trip with some of my university classmates .

  25. 我又讲了我的大学同学

    I talked about my friends from college ,

  26. 两个月前,他和他的一个大学同学订下了终身。

    He got engaged to one of his classmates in the university two months ago .

  27. 我同大学同学有一些联系,但大多数都十分短暂。

    I had a few reld-tionships at college , most of which were fairly short-lived .

  28. 她是他的大学同学。

    She is his college classmate .

  29. 我们是大学同学。

    We went to university together .

  30. 他这才看清他撞的女人是他的另一大学同学笑笑。

    Then he was to see him hit the other woman was his college classmates smiled .