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dà mā
  • aunt;aunty;mama;father's elder brother's wife
大妈 [dà mā]
  • (1) [father's elder brother's wife]∶伯父的妻子

  • (2) [aunty]∶对年长妇女的尊称

大妈[dà mā]
  1. 王大妈盖新房,村民们自动来帮忙。

    When Aunt Wang was building a new house , many villagers came of their own accord to help her .

  2. 居委会的陈大妈经常为大家排忧解纷。

    Aunt Chen from the neighborhood committees often helps to resolve disputes among the dwellers .

  3. 跳广场舞的大妈,其实是一种自创的文化团体,大妈们现在到处找不到跳舞的场地,体现出了我们老年文化产业亟待发展、老年人文化需求急需得到满足的体现。

    The women who are into square-dancing cannot find other places for the hobby and have to form a group of their peers . The phenomenon shows that we urgently need to boost the cultural industry for seniors and meet their demands .

  4. Tips3:“abreathoffreshair”,顾名思义,一缕清风。把苏珊·博伊尔称作“一缕清风”,这位说话者必是“苏珊大妈”的支持者无疑了。

    Susan Boyle is a breath of fresh air .

  5. 只要愿意,上了年纪的大妈级人物也可以加入Facebook。

    Your elderly aunt could join it if she wanted to .

  6. 台湾男版苏珊大妈一唱惊人让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    Taiwanese Susan Boyle Sings ' I Will Always Love You ' Better Than Whitney Houston In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing ' I Will Always Love You ' on the Taiwanese talent show ' Super Star Avenue ' is outstanding for a few reasons .

  7. 但是49岁的大妈CathyWard说,要玩就玩大的。她是暮光之城的狂热粉丝,在自己的整个背部纹上了暮光中的人物形象。

    But Cathy Ward , 49 , is such a die-hard fan of the Twilight Saga series of books and movies that she wanted something a bit more special her entire back covered in artwork from the vampire films .

  8. 艾灵顿公爵说他是“我所认识的人中最特立独行的”。上大学的时候,穆瑞在芮妮大妈(MaRainey,美国蓝调歌手,被誉为“蓝调之母”——译注)的家中度过一晚。

    Duke Ellington called him " the unsquarest man I know . " During his college days , he spent a night at Ma Rainey 's house ;

  9. 大妈说:有段时间我比较郁闷,于是一个朋友送了我这张电影的DVD,随后我就一发不可收拾了,买了所有的书和碟回来。

    Mrs Ward said : A friend of mine got me the first film on DVD because I was feeling low . Once I started I just couldn 't stop myself . I had to go out and buy all the books and films .

  10. 这款“大妈式面罩”登上纽约时尚界的巅峰,在类似Twitter的中国社交媒体新浪微博(Sinaweibo)引来热议,到目前相关帖子已接近1200万条。

    The upgrading of this " matronly style " ( see left ) to the heights of New York fashion has stirred a whirlwind of comment on Chinese social media , with around 12m posts on Sina weibo , China 's version of twitter , so far .

  11. Cowell的Syco唱片公司出的这份钱,是苏珊大妈第一张大卖专辑《我有一个梦想》的首期版权费。

    The payout from Cowell 's Syco label represents the first instalment of royalties from Miss Boyle 's best-selling debut album , I Dreamed A Dream , which was released last November .

  12. 王大妈下月嫁女儿。

    Aunt Wang will give a daughter in marriage next month .

  13. 那看门的大妈说他今天不能来。

    The portress told me that he could not come to-day .

  14. 华大妈候他喘气平静,才轻轻的给他盖上了满幅补钉的夹被。

    His mother gently covered him with a patched sheet afterwards .

  15. 她是苏珊大妈姐姐的女儿。

    She is the daughter of Miss Boyle 's sister Bridie .

  16. 只有矮人大妈才拥有防恐结界。

    Fear Ward is now only available to dwarf females .

  17. 我需要找大妈打一针。

    I need to visit the mother superior , for one hit .

  18. 她突然很想去看望刘大妈。

    She had a sudden longing to go and see Aunt Liu .

  19. 第二,跟苏珊大妈一样,他的风格也有点儿……老派。

    Second , like Boyle , his style is somewhat ... retro .

  20. 其他在万圣节广受欢迎的名人还有苏珊大妈。

    Other celebrities that will be big this Halloween include Susan Boyle .

  21. 奶奶、姑姑、左邻右舍大婶大妈都喜欢剪窗花。

    Grandmother , aunt , Aunt Aunt neighbors like cutting window grilles .

  22. 大妈,你该减肥了。

    Big mama , you better lose a few pounds .

  23. 纽约(路透)电&他跟“苏珊大妈”成名的经历不太一样。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters )– He 's not quite Susan Boyle .

  24. 王大妈算计着下月买一台彩电。

    Aunt Wang is planning to buy a colour TV set next month .

  25. 时光荏苒,我梦见过往的时光,来自于苏珊大妈的。

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by .

  26. 瑞秋:我的苏珊大妈说她要来拜访我们。

    Rachel : My Aunt Susan called and she 's coming for a visit .

  27. 伊丽莎白大妈去世后,她的钱由她的8个孙子平分了。

    When Aunt Elizabeth died , her money was apportioned among her eight grandchildren .

  28. 大妈们的广场舞想怎么跳就怎么跳,不过,这只是在受到打压之前的情况。

    The grannies could only dance free for so long before the crackdown came .

  29. 那个总自言自语并喜欢发出奇怪声音的苏珊大妈?

    The one who talks to herself all the time and makes funny noises ?

  30. 哦,是吗?我来问问你呢,嚼舌头大妈。

    Oh , really ? Well , let me ask you something , chatty cathy .