
  • 网络Project
  1. 重油催化裂化装置再生器改造开大型作业孔引出问题的探讨

    Discussion for Opening Temporary Hole in the FCC Unit Regenerator 's Wall

  2. 开发学生的想象力,通过探索讨论、小组活动与大型作业等途径提高学生的创新能力;

    Secondly , to develop the students ' imagination and innovative capability by exploratory discussion , group activities ;

  3. 大型作业机组虚拟作业环境的建模及性能的虚拟试验研究

    The Study on Modeling the Virtual Operating Environment of Large-scale Equipment and Virtual Experiment of Its Capability Code for commissioning test run of chemical large and medium plant

  4. 一个单点用于监测和管理您的SAS环境控制使您能够处理大型的作业,而不影响其他SAS用户利用过多的资源。

    A single point of control for monitoring and administering your SAS environment enables you to deal with large jobs that utilize too many resources , without affecting other SAS users .

  5. 大型舰船作业本身的特点,决定了对其费用管理的特殊性。

    Character of large-scale ships work has decided to its particularity of expense management .

  6. 目的了解新建大型煤矿作业场所粉尘危害状况,为今后开展煤矿尘肺防治工作提供依据。

    Objective To understand the status of dust hazard in the new large coal mines and provide the basis for the prevention of pneumoconiosis .

  7. 对大型且作业较复杂的企业而言,可以结合不同专长的人员以小组的方式分工合作。

    In other larger , more complex enterprises , the various tasks may well be shared by a number of people bringing together different expertise and knowledge .

  8. 在以电液伺服控制系统为核心控制的大型连续作业生产线中,容错控制能避免因微小可控故障停机造成的设备损坏,以及因突发故障引起的停机检修造成的各种经济损失。

    In large continuous production line which core control is electro hydraulic servo control system fault tolerant control can avoid the equipment damage which is done by small controlling trouble and there will be no loss which is done by shutting down to repair because of abrupt accident .

  9. 超大型工程群塔作业管理(4)实施圈养大熊猫放归。

    Implementing the project of reintroduction of the captive Giant Panda .

  10. 繁忙干线大型养路机械作业方式研究

    Research on the Construction Organization Method of Large Instrument in Rail Whirl Trunks

  11. 大型设备及其作业场所低频噪声强度及频谱分析

    Study of low frequency noise intensity and noise spectrum in the working site and big scale production equipments

  12. 现有全回转拖轮、引航船结构、性能不适应大型集装箱船作业要求;

    The performance and structure of present tugs and pilot ships are not fit for the operation demand of large container vessels ;

  13. 该技术适用于水深4~6m、无大型钻孔机械作业时水中人工挖孔桩施工。

    This technology was also applicable to the construction of manual excavating pile hole in water 46 meters height without using large-scale machinery .

  14. 轨道不平顺最大值用于紧急补修评价指标,区段的标准差用于大型养路机作业的评价指标。

    Maximum track irregularity is the evaluate index in emergency maintenance and standard deviation of section track irregularity is the evaluate index in track maintenance machine work .

  15. 内陆采砂采用大型机械露天作业,挖开地表,以便开采出古老冰川留下的砂石。

    Interior mining operations use huge machines working in open pits to dig down under the earth 's surface to get sand left behind by ancient glaciers .

  16. 结合生产实例,论述了半终粉磨与分选技术在粉煤灰大型化粉磨作业中的应用。

    Combined with some cases in production , a discussion about the application of the techniques of semi-finish grinding and separation to the large-scale grinding of fly-ash is made in this paper .

  17. 动臂塔式起重机是一种高危特种设备,主要应用于城市超高层建筑施工,特别适用于城市建设中施工条件特殊、空间场地狭小的大型物件吊装作业。

    Luffing tower crane is a high-risk outdoor specialized facility , which is mainly applied for high-rise building engineering , especially for critical lifting work of large object in special and narrow space .

  18. 孝义铝矿五大矿区均存在大量的采空区,大型设备在作业过程中,经常发生挖掘机械陷落采空区的事故,造成设备的损坏、人员伤亡,给正常采矿生产带来的重大安全隐患。

    Large scale equipments often fall into these areas in the production process , causing damages to equipments and casualties to working staffs , which brings in great security risks to safety production .

  19. 结合自身参加大型船舶引航作业的实践与体会,从理论上阐述了港作拖轮顶推位置不同时对大船运动与操纵的影响。

    With the practice and experiences of pilotage operation for large vessels , the effects of different various pushing positions by harbor operational tugs on the movement and maneuvering of large vessels are theoretically discussed .

  20. 连续油管径向旋转喷射钻进是一种高速发展的新型工程技术,服务对象主要是超短半径水平井的钻进,以及大型机械钻井作业机难以钻进的油井。

    Coiled tubing radial rotary jet drilling is a high-speed being developed new engineering technology , Its target of service mainly are ultra-short radius horizontal wells and the wells that is difficult to be drilled by large mechanical drilling machines .

  21. 大型石化项目HSE作业指导书的应用

    Application of HSE Operation Guidance in Large Petrochemical Project

  22. 研抛大型复杂曲面自主作业微小机器人研究

    Research on Small Robot for Autonomous Polishing Large Freeform Surface

  23. 大型客运站运转作业管理信息系统

    Management Information System of Train 's Operation and Dispatching for large-type passenger station

  24. 西安南京铁路大型机械化养路作业技术分析

    Analysis on the operation technology of large railway maintenance machine on newly-built Xi'an-Nanjing Raiway

  25. 运用C++编程开发了大型编组站技术作业时分仿真软件。

    Using C + + programming to develop a software of the large marshalling station technical operation time simulation .

  26. 综述了发射大型运载火箭推进剂作业卫勤保障主要任务、保障重点、卫勤力量的分配、卫勤保障的组织和实施进展。

    To review the progress in the major assignment , the organization and implementation of protection against liquid rocket propellent .

  27. 本文将以此为背景,阐述精益生产策略在大型集装箱码头日常作业方面的研究与应用。

    This article will take this as background , lean production strategy described in the daily operations of large container terminals of research and application .

  28. 随着可靠性设计理论,机械设计技术的发展,大型农业机械的作业能力越来越强。

    With the development of reliability design theory , machine design technique , the work ability of large agricultral machine is getting stronger and stronger .

  29. 海洋大型拖网、围网作业的捕捞许可证,由国务院渔业行政主管部门批准发放。

    Licences for using large trawls and purse seines in marine fishing shall be granted upon approval by the Department of fishery administration under the state council .

  30. 另一方面,大型加砂压裂作业有效,需有机地匹配和优化储层、压裂液和工艺,并系统地控制压裂质量。

    On the other hand , the effective large-scale sand fracturing requires optimum reservoir formation , fracturing fluid and techniques , and systematic control of the fracturing quality .