
  • 网络The Grit;the true grit
  1. 布里吉斯的事业也因此得到提升,后来主演了科恩兄弟(CoenBrothers)的杰作《大地惊雷》(TrueGrit)。

    Mr. Bridges also saw a career lift : He went on to make the Coen Brothers " smash " True Grit . "

  2. 虽然一些人认为Steinfeld在《大地惊雷》中的突破性表演足以让她获得一个最佳女主角奖,电影公司很聪明地让她去角逐最佳女配角,因为在这里她有更好的机会。

    Even though some thought her breakthrough performance in " True Grit " was worthy of a lead award , the studio wisely submitted her for the supporting one . She 's got a way better chance here .

  3. 但它们也让你有能力去拍摄《大地惊雷》。

    But they also afford you the ability to make True Grit .

  4. 从左至右分别是:出演《大地惊雷》的海莉·斯坦菲尔德、出演《国王的演讲》的海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、出演《斗士》的艾米·亚当斯、出演《动物王国》的杰姬·韦弗、出演《斗士》的梅丽莎·里奥。

    From left are Hailee Steinfeld for'True Grit ' , Helena Bonham Carter for'The King 's Speech ' , Amy Adams for'The Fighter ' , Jacki Weaver for'Animal Kingdom'and Melissa Leo for'The Fighter . '

  5. 恶搞影片包括《盗梦空间》、《国王的演讲》、《大地惊雷》、《黑天鹅》、《社交网络》以及1985年的经典穿越电影《回到未来》。

    The duo spoofed movies including Inception , The King 's Speech , True Grit , The Fighter , Black Swan and The Social Network & as well as the1985 film Back to the Future .

  6. 影评人的初步共识预示着哥伦比亚公司出品的《社交网络》和温斯坦公司的《国王的演讲》对奥斯卡最佳影片奖的角逐将异常激烈,派拉蒙公司的《大地惊雷》则可能出来“搅局”。

    Initial consensus among critics indicated a tight race for the top prize between Columbia 's " Social Network " and Weinstein Co 's " King 's Speech , " with Paramount 's " True Grit " a possible spoiler .