
  • 网络giant slalom;Giant-Slalom;Long Turn
  1. 高山滑雪由滑降、小回转和大回转(障碍滑雪)组成。

    Alpine skiing consists of downhill , slalom and giant slalom .

  2. 陈美上个月在斯洛文尼亚获得了参加大回转比赛的资格。

    Vanakorn got hers in giant slalom races last month in Slovenia .

  3. 探讨了高超声速大回转再入的控制方法。

    Spacecraft control laws for volte-face reentry motion are explored .

  4. 在小回转和大回转中都要用到两板平行的转弯。

    Turns on parallel skis are used in both Slalom and GS .

  5. 就获得男子山地大回转障碍赛和障碍滑雪的两块金牌。

    Winning both the giant slalom and the slalom .

  6. 高超声速航天器最优再入大回转轨迹与控制

    Optimal reentry volte-face trajectory and control for hypersonic spacecraft

  7. 但她比2006年的大回转金牌得主走得更远。

    But she did make it further than the 2006 giant slalom gold medalist .

  8. 单板滑雪平行大回转运动员专项体能训练的途径

    Means of the Snowboarders ' Special Physical Condition Training for Snowboarding Parallel Giant Slalom

  9. 大回转比赛在这儿不多见。

    Giant slalom is seldom seen here .

  10. 在大回转比赛中,你的胯部是一个漂亮的竞技式切雪回转动作的重点所在。

    Tip5 : Your hip is the focus in a good racing curve in giant slalom .

  11. 无论使用那种穿越动作,现代大回转和小回转技术在转弯时都是使用整个雪板。

    Regardless of type of cross movement the modern GS and SL turns use the entire ski .

  12. 技巧1:当你第一次涉足竞技滑雪,如果可能,先从休闲类的大回转赛道开始。

    Tip1 : When you first get into racing , if possible ski only recreational giant slalom courses .

  13. 采用极大值原理和共轭梯度法求解最优再入大回转问题。

    Based on maximum principle and conjugate gradient method , the dynamic optimization problem of spacecraft reentry is resolved .

  14. 现在,它指望依靠姚明在赛场内外都来个大回转。

    Now it is counting on Yao to help engineer a recovery & both on and off the court .

  15. 上方穿越(重心从雪板上方越过雪板)普遍用于大回转中较陡的赛道。

    Crossover ( CM of mass crosses over the skis ) is prevalent in complete GS turns on steep parts of the course .

  16. 贾斯鲁德是在周日赛事中唯一摘牌的挪威选手,他在超级大回转比赛中赢得金牌。

    Jansrud was the lone bright star for Norway on Sunday , skiing a magical run in super-G to win the gold medal .

  17. 2010年02月24日23号,在2010年温哥华冬季奥运会高山滑雪男子大回转比赛中,瑞士运动员卡·冉卡摘得桂冠。

    2010-02-24 Carlo Janka of Switzerland won on Tuesday ( Feb.23 ) the title in men 's giant slalom in the2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics .

  18. 数学实情:国际滑联的大回转大头板的刻滑半径为17米,回转大头板的刻滑半径为12米。

    Mathematical facts : FIS ( International Ski Federation ) giant slalom skis have a narrow waist that carves a17m radius turn , slalom skis carve a12m radius .

  19. 这是件好事,当双双突然改变主义,射手可以轻松作出180度的大回转,和高飞的伙伴保持一致。

    This is a good thing ; when Gemini changes their mind mid-thought , Sagittarius has no problem taking a180-degree turn and keeping right up with their high-flying partner .

  20. 在平昌高山滑雪中心,主办方已安装了三台泵站,用于支持250个雪炮造雪。这里将举行障碍滑雪赛和大回转高山滑雪赛。

    At the Yongpyong Alpine Centre - which will host slalom and giant slalom alpine skiing races - 250 snow guns served by three pumping stations have been installed .

  21. 他说,我会跟着[客户]一边滑雪一边不停拍照,拍下一系列他们做出大回转,雪尘飞溅的照片。

    ' I 'll snowboard alongside [ clients ] with my camera firing away and get a sequence of shots of them doing big turns and the spray flying off of the powder , ' he says .

  22. 在温哥华冬奥会上,米勒赢得速降铜牌,超级大回转银牌,和全能金牌,现在他被称为历史上最伟大的滑雪选手之一。

    With a Vancouver Olympics bronze medal in the downhill , a silver in the Super G , and now a gold in the combined , Miller is now being declared as one of the greatest ski racers ever .

  23. 最大的问题就是,债务的快速增长一家研究机构“银行信贷分析”的马丁·巴恩斯将这种现象形象地称之为“债务超级大回转”现在是否已经结束?

    The big question is whether this rapid build-up of debt a phenomenon which Martin Barnes of the Bank Credit Analyst , a research group , has dubbed the " debt supercycle " has now come to an end .

  24. 在奥运会上点,是在超级大回转比赛中点是令人难以致信的挑战,对我来说,挑战,感觉真是太酷了。

    To do it this way at this point in my career in the Olympics , and in the super combined in particular , is just an unbelievable challenge , and for me to rise to that challenge felt really cool .

  25. 对于作大范围回转运动的梁,大多数的研究工作采用的Euler-Bernoulli梁模型。在对刚柔耦合项的考虑上,所采用的方法不太一致。

    To investigate the motion of a rotating flexible beam , there are many different methods to deal with the effects of rigid-flexible coupling where Euler-Bernoulli beam model is adopted .

  26. 大直径回转轴密封元件的性能研究

    The Research on the Performance of Sealing Element in A Large-Diameter Rotary Shaft

  27. 斗轮取料机大角度回转电缆上线方案设计

    Design of Cable Feeding at a Large Slewing Angle of Buck Wheel Reclaimers

  28. 作大范围回转运动柔性梁斜碰撞动力学研究

    The oblique impact dynamic study for a flexible beam undergoing large overall motion

  29. 大范围回转运动梁的动力学分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Wide - Range Rotating Beam

  30. 大直径回转平面研磨工艺探讨

    Study on Large - diameter Rotary Grinding