
  • 网络Ohmae;kenichi ohmae
  1. 日本的大前研一(KenichiOhmae)表示,他那些获得成功的中国朋友们更关心快速致富,而不是打造举世无双的企业。

    Japan 's Kenichi Ohmae says his successful Chinese friends care more about getting rich quickly than creating world-beating businesses .

  2. 大前研一先生说,核科学家大多受到电力公司的赞助,这会损害他们的独立性。

    Nuclear scientists , says Mr Ohmae , are mostly sponsored by utilities , compromising their independence .

  3. 大前研一是位多才多艺的人,但在日本,人们往往看重的是专才而非全才。

    Ohmae is a man of many parts in a country whose people are known for specialisms rather than broad interests .

  4. 大前研一的另一非常有影响力的思想是,他认为日本企业和其西方同行主要的区别在于他们工作的时间框架不同。

    Ohmae was also influential in spreading the idea that a major difference between Japanese corporations and their Western counterparts was the time frame within which they worked .