- 名Dabie Mountain;name of a mountain range in Hupei

[Dabie Mountains] 湖北、安徽、河南三省交界处的山脉,西北-东南走向,为长江和淮河的分水岭,主峰1729米。中国茶叶的主要产区之一
Now , I remember . We met for the first time in the Dabie Mountains .
U-Pb Zircon Dating of Ultrahigh-Pressure Garnet-Phengite Schist from the Dabie Mountains
Pb isotopic characteristics of the eclogites from the northern Dabie Mountains
Pb isotopic study on crustal structure of Dabie Mountains , central China
Zircon REE and Th , U Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks from the Dabie Mountains
Systematic measurements are made respectively on the quartz C-axis fabric , biotite ( 001 ) cleavage fabric and3-D strain analysis by quartz for gneissic granite in Shuanghe , Dabie .
U-Pb zircon ages of the pyroxenite gabbro intrusions in Dabie Mountains and Their Geological Implications
~ ( 40 ) Ar - ~ ( 39 ) Ar Dating of the Shangcheng & Macheng Fault Belt in the Dabie Orogen and Its Significance
Rb-Sr Mica Dating of High-grade Metamorphic Rocks from the Dabie Mountains and Its Geological Significance
Detrital phengites of high Si contents occurred in the Late Carboniferous sediments in the northern margin of the Dabie Shan , indicating HP - UHP metamorphic rocks were possibly exposed to the source area .
P T T path numerical modeling of UHP metamorphic belt in Dabie orogen
P-T-t paths and its tectonic significance of eclogites from shima , Dabie Mountains
This study tried to reveal the geological architecture of the high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrain in the area of south Dabie Mountains in the light of peak metamorphic P T conditions of the eclogites .
Polygonal rule for assessing the discordant U-Pb data of single-grain zircon by tims ∶ taking high-grade metamorphic rocks from Dabie and East Kunlun Mountains as examples
The appearance and the transforming feature of amorphous SiO2 is probably a super-microscopic evidence of subduction-obduction of blueschist rocks occurring in southern edge of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belts in Dabie mountains .
We have identified a SNP-the catalase gene SNP-844C / T , which is strongly associated with essential hypertension after the study of isolated population of Dabie Mountain in Anhui province .
Study on P-T-t of metamorphism in ultrahigh-pressure belt of Southern Dable Mountain : and discuss the relationship of granitic gneisses and UHP rocks
This indicates that the exhumation of the Dabie Orogenic Belt was diachronous , and that its uplift happened from east to west and was mainly controlled by the NE fault system.7.The Dabie Orogenic Belt is of transformation and superposition character .
On the based of petrology , minerals composition and the peak P-T conditions , the eclogites across the South Dabie can be divided into three types of eclogites : ① ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) eclogites ;
Methods β 2 AR gene was sequenced to detect SNPs by fluorescent labeling automatic sequencing method in 80 unrelated samples from territory of Dabie Mountain in Anhui province .
The HREE and Y-depleted granites in the Dabie Mountains were most probably produced by partial melting of lower mafic rocks in the thickened crust ( > 40km ) due to the underplating mafic magmas heating the lower crust .
Zircon U-Pb geochronology and metamorphism of mafic granulite from North tongbai , central china . the characteristics of the metavolcanic rock series of Early Palaeozoic era and the structural environment of their genesis in the northern part of the East qinling-tongbai-dabie collision type orogenic belt
The distribution characteristics of structural water in nominally anhydrous minerals ( NAMs ) from Dabie mountains can provide important microscopic information on some aspects of the related fluid activities , mineral deformation , dynamical process of blocks subduction and exhumation .
The occurrence of zoisite + kyanite + coesite assemblage indicates that the upper pressure limit of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains does not reach the stability field of lawsonite , and therefore could not exceed 4 . 0-4 . 5 GPa .
Water in UHP Jadeite-Quartzites of Dabie Mountains : Evidence from Micro-FTIR
Ultrahigh-pressure ORTHOGNEISSES from the Dabie mountains : petrology and metamorphic evolution
Structural carbonate within apatite from eclogites in the southeastern Dabie Mountains
Tectonic Setting and Cooling History of Eclogites from Northern Dabie Mountains
Research on the full face excavation technology of Dabie mountain tunnel
The Study on Dabieshan ( Lu'an ) National Geoparks Marketing Channels