
  • 网络mass media;mass communication
  1. 新闻英语是大众传播工具在报道英语新闻中使用的文体,有书面新闻和口头新闻两类。

    Journalistic English is the style in reporting English news by means of mass media .

  2. 西方国家开展消费教育的主要方式就是在各级各类学校开设相应的消费教育课程,利用各种大众传播工具包括现代信息技术开展形式多样的消费教育,利用各种消费者组织等分别对消费者和生产者进行教育。

    The main way that the western countries promote education of consuming is to offer corresponding courses of consumption education in all types of school , utilize various kinds of mass media tools including modern information technologies to launch various consumption education .

  3. 正象我们原来所想象的那样,大众传播工具与人际交流二者的关系包含一个两步的交流过程。

    As originally conceived , the relationship between mass media and interpersonal communication consisted of a two-step flow of communication .

  4. 而新闻,作为最重要的大众传播工具之一,是我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。

    As one of the most important media of mass communication , news has become an indispensable part of our daily life .

  5. 语言是大众传播工具,财务会计作为通用商业语言的经济信息传播功能也是不言而喻的。

    Since language is a mass communication tool , financial accounting , being a universe business language , has a self-evident function of transmitting economic information .

  6. 网络作为大众传播工具,作为一种全新的政治社会化媒介,对社会政治生活和公民的政治社会化过程发生了很大的影响。

    Network , a brand-new political socialization medium , has a great influence on social political life and civil political socialization as a political socialization medium .

  7. 随着在华外报的发展和西方资产阶级新闻思想的传入,国人开始对报刊等大众传播工具及其舆论监督作用有了初步的认识。

    With the development of the foreign newspapers in China and the importation of western bourgeois views on journalism into China , the Chinese began to realize the importance of the tools for mass media and the supervision system of the public opinions .

  8. 大众传媒组织占有传播工具,通过输入构建即媒体议程设置传播解读即公共议程设置或投入生产销售消费这一系统程式影响着现代社会,控制公共话题,进而控制公共领域;

    The Mass Media organizes occupy the media , affect modern society by the pattern as " input-frame ( medium-agenda ) - communicate-explain ( public-agenda ) " or " invest-produce-sell-consume ", control the public topic , then control the public realm ;