
  • 网络greater-than;greater than;Greater-than Sign
  1. 在Python提示行中,在三个大于号(>>>)标志后输入print'HelloWorld!

    At the Python prompt , denoted by three greater-than symbols ( > > > ), enter print'Hello World !

  2. 然后使用修改过的print语句两个大于号后边跟着容纳file对象的变量写入相同的string。

    You then use a modified print statement with two greater-than symbols followed by the variable holding the file object to write the same strings .

  3. XML对一些字符有特定的限制;引号、与号、小于号、大于号等。

    XML puts a bunch of constraints on certain characters ; quotes , ampersands , less than , greater than , and other characters .

  4. 对于最后一行,可以使用$表示文件的末尾。可以在w后面使用两个大于号(>>)表示希望把内容附加到文件中而不是覆盖文件。

    You can use the $ notation for the last line to specify to the end of the file and double greater-than symbols ( > > ) after the w to indicate that you want to append to rather than overwrite the file .

  5. 然后列出DEPTNO,从而允许DB2对第一列(EMPNO)执行直接索引查找,然后针对大于号扫描第二列(DEPTNO)。

    And DEPTNO should be listed second , allowing DB2 to do a direct index lookup on the first column ( EMPNO ) and then a scan on the second ( DEPTNO ) for the greater-than .

  6. NET1.x中使用的ViewState序列化格式是元组格式,由三个一组的层次集合和使用大于号和小于号的序列对组成。

    The serialization format used in ASP . NET1 . x for view state is a tuple format consisting of a hierarchical collection of triplets and pairs serialized using less-than and greater-than characters .

  7. 大于号和小于号内的每个子元素由分号分隔。

    Each subelement within the less-than and greater-than characters is separated with a semicolon .

  8. 当然,在一些情况下您需要使用特殊字符,如大于号或小于号。

    Of course , there may be instances in which you need to actually use special characters like the greater than or less than symbol .

  9. 然而,启用此选项后,如果使用大于号加管道符号(>),则仍然会发生截断。

    If this option is used , truncating can still occur if a greater-than symbol and a pipe ( > | ) are used , instead .

  10. 要想写一个命令的输出,需要在执行的命令后面加上大于号(>或>>)和所需的目标文件名或设备。

    To write the output of a command , append the greater-than symbol ( > or > > ) and the target file name or device desired after the command to be executed .

  11. 大于92号元素铀的元素寿命如此短促,以至于它们几乎不存在于自然界中。

    And above number 92 ( uranium ) lifetimes are so short that these substances are almost non-existent in nature .

  12. 139号每层苞叶面积小于1号,由于其苞叶层数多,故139号总面积大于1号。

    ( 3 ) The areas per husk of No. 139 were smaller than that of No. 1.Because the husk numbers of No.

  13. 为了维持足够的末期触点压力,接触必须可以产生大于电信号整体性所需要的最小力的初始力。

    In order to maintain adequate end-of-life contact force , the contact must be designed to give an initial force greater than the minimum required for electrical signal integrity .

  14. 理论分析表明,浅海多途环境中,当简正波号数大于1号时,阵增益下降存在极限,这对长线阵的应用是有利的。

    · Theoretical analysis shows that there is a limitation for the array gain loss in an ocean multipath environment that exists more than 1 effective normal modes , which is an advantage for the application of a large-aperture line array .

  15. 邻羟基苯甲酸胁迫使杉木叶片电导率及伤害率增加,对照与各胁迫处理间均达显著差异(P<0.05),对02号伤害率及电导率的促进效应均大于01号;

    Salicylic acid stress could cause the conductivities and injury rates of the fir leaves to increase significantly in various treatments ( P < 0.05 ) compared with it in the control and its effects on both the conductivities and injury rates were stronger in 02 than in 01 ;

  16. 工业应用表明:在原料油终馏点363℃条件下,喷气燃料馏分可不经精制直接生产烟点大于20mm的3号喷气燃料及0号柴油;

    Commercial application shows that 3 # jet fuel with the smoke point below 20 mm and 0 # diesel have been directly produced without further refining , the feedstock with final boiling point at 363 ℃ .

  17. 试验结果表明,沿优63的增产潜力显著大于汕优6号,但需氮量却比汕优6号要低。

    We further demonstrated that a high grain yield can be obtained with SHAN-YOU63 cultivated under low or middle nitrogen supply levels .