
  1. 加强联勤分部部队大中型工程建设项目管理的思考

    Enhancing the management of troops large and middle project construction

  2. 高等级公路建设施工中,使用大中型工程建设机械日益增多。

    More and more large scale and middle scale construction equipments are used in high grade highway construction .

  3. 虎门汽车渡口工程系一项集码头、桥梁,公路、提升机械为一体的综合性大中型工程项目。

    Humen Vehicle Ferry Project is a comprehensive large-and-medium-sized project containing wharf , bridge , highway and hoisting machines .

  4. 该模型经过对某一公司大中型工程工程项目人力资源进行考证和分析,其可行性和可操作性经过了验证。

    Human resource in a large and medium sized construction project of a company is verified and analyzed with this model .

  5. 在我国由于分布着大片的盐渍土,随着经济的发展,一些大中型工程建设将难以避免的涉及到盐渍土地区。

    There is a lot of quantity of saline soil in our country . With the development of economy and society , many large and medium scale projects will have to be connected with saline soil areas .

  6. 特别对大中型工程,较传统手工方法,具有明显的优越性,有助于加快计算机辅助工程资源管理的进程,使得网络电算应用成为可能。

    Optimization of management in large and medium-sized project is more apparently than the traditional method , it is a aid to speed up the progress of computer management in engineering resource , and make possible use machine-readable of network .

  7. 在大中型工程施工管理中采用分级网络法,适应当前企业管理模式,便于项经部施工人员的编制和调整,有利于实施过程中分级控制管理。

    The application of classification of network to construction project management is well adapted to the present industrial engineering model , helps constructors with their project drawing and their adjustment and will be of much help for classification controlling once carried out .

  8. 大中型沼气工程的CO2减排量和减排成本的估计方法

    Approach to Estimate CO_2 Reduction and Increment Cost for Large Biogas Systems

  9. 大中型水电工程三维地质CAD系统及应用

    Three Dimensional Geologic CAD System and Its Application in Large and Middle Hydroelectric Works

  10. 修河干流大中型水利工程对环境的影响

    Impact of the cascade development of Xiu River Basin on Environment

  11. 大中型水电工程施工场内物料最优运输方案分析

    Scheme Analysis Optimization for Transportation of Work Material in Waterpower Project Construction

  12. 论大中型水电工程导流隧洞的设计布置

    Design and Layout of Large and Medium Size Hydroelectric Projects Diversion Tunnels

  13. 大中型沼气工程计算机监控系统

    Study of the Computer Monitoring and Controlling System for Large-Middle-Size Marsh Gas Project

  14. 铁矿浆管道大中型跨越工程地质勘察方法

    The Engineering Geological Investigations Method for the Large or Middle-type Aerial Crossing of Pipeline

  15. 汶川地震灾区大中型水电工程震损调查及主要成果

    Seismic Damage Investigation on Large and Medium Sized Hydropower Projects in Wenchuan Earthquake Area

  16. 兴建大中型水利工程最关键问题之一的是解决移民问题。

    The most important thing of Medium-sized water conservancy construction is to solve immigration problems .

  17. 大中型水利工程建设地方配套资金筹集方法探讨

    Discussion on local counterpart funds raise in large and medium size water conservancy project construction

  18. 大中型水电工程移民管理体制现状及发展探讨

    Discussion on status quo of resettlement management system of large and medium scale of hydropower projects

  19. 变废为宝综合利用节约能源改善环境&关于辽宁省集约化畜禽养殖场大中型沼气工程建设情况的调查

    Investigation report on comprehensive utilization of large-and-middle-scale biogas plant in livestock and poultry breeding farms of Liaoning province

  20. 并就该区域建设大中型沼气工程进行了一定的论证和建议。

    And the construction of large and medium-sized regional biogas project conducted a certain amount of proof and recommendations .

  21. 本文基于风险分析理论和方法,对在役大中型泵站工程运行过程中的风险问题进行了研究。

    Risk problems in large and medium-sized pumping stations were studied based on the theories and methods of risk analysis .

  22. 通过两个大中型河流工程地质勘察实例,对如何灵活运用有关勘察规范及规程、正确选择勘察方案进行了论述。

    Taking two plans as example , the paper describes how to apply relative investigation standards and regulations as well as choose correctly investigation plan .

  23. 目前大中型水利工程投资主要由中央专项资金、省财政资金及市县配套资金三部分组成。

    The current investments of large - and medium-size water conservancy project are sourced from central specialized funds , provincial finance and city or county counterpart funds .

  24. 历经几年的努力,公司业绩逐年递增,并承担各种大中型绿化工程与绿化养护工程。

    Now , the company has grown up to the scale that is able to take large and medium-sized greening and maintenance projects after years of effort .

  25. 文章主要阐述了不同阶段大中型水利工程建设管理的责任主体、管理重点、有效做法和成功案例。

    The paper mainly expounded the duty main body , management emphasis , effective measures and successful cases of large and medium water projects in different periods .

  26. 大中型水电工程建设通常都有大量的开挖石渣作弃渣处理。

    During the construction of large or medium scale hydroelectric project , lots of excavated spoil will be produced . And it is usually abandoned as wasted slag .

  27. 为了将水力资源优势尽快转化为经济优势,今后20年间云南大江大河流域将开发建设87座大中型水电工程。

    For transforming these resources into economic benefits , a total of 87 large and medium-sized hydraulic power stations will be built in Yunnan during the next two decades .

  28. 在大中型水利工程和自然灾害防治工程中,对高边坡及危崖体常采用预应力锚索孔进行锚固处理。

    In large and medium scale water conservancy projects and prevention treatment of natural disaster projects , the anchorage treatment is often conducted adopting pre-stressed anchorage rope hole for high slopes and dangerous cliffs .

  29. 多年来,我国大中型水电工程征地移民没有一个统一的移民管理体制,全国各地、各行业根据本地区本部门的需要分别制定了许多移民管理体制。

    For years , there is no unitary resettlement management system for large and medium hydropower projects in China , in the light of their own requirement , various departments and regions established various kind of resettlement management system s.

  30. 其在大中型发酵工程的成功应用,能够降低发电机的热能浪费,实现能源的循环利用,为企业及社会带来切实的经济效益。

    The successful application of it in large and medium-sized fermentation engineering can reduce the heat waste of the generator . The energy recycling can be realized and this can bring tangible benefits for both the enterprises and society .