
  • 网络the Kingdom of Great Britain;Great Britain
  1. 大不列颠王国联合王国至此成立,一个议会,一个君主。

    The Kingdom of Great Britain , one parliament , one monarch .

  2. 1776年的今天,美国国会批准通过了宣告脱离大不列颠王国的《独立宣言》。

    1776-American Revolutionary War : The Continental Congress approves a Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain .

  3. 如果他漫步于大不列颠王国的街头,随口就问,“我做的如何?”他应该不会喜欢那个答案。

    wandering around the United Kingdom asking , " How am I doing ? " He wouldn 't like the answer .

  4. 当今大不列颠王国的历史,就是屡屡伤害和掠夺这些殖民地的历史,其直接目标就是要在各州之上建立一个独裁暴政。

    The history of the present King of Great Britain is usurpations , all having in direct object tyranny over these States .

  5. 我认为他的主张可以被称作大不列颠王国君主政体的“限制版”。

    What he advocated was , what I may call , the " limited version " of the Monarchy system of the United Kingdom .

  6. 它们已经解除一切效忠于英王室的义务,从此完全断绝、并必须断绝与大不列颠王国之间的一切政治联系。

    That they are absolved from all allegianceto the British crown , and that all political connection between them and the state of great britain , is and ought to be totally dissolved .

  7. 他说:为此,我期望在座的各位都能给予支持。我相信在座的每个人,无论来自大不列颠王国的哪一部分,都会高呼英格兰加油。

    He added : For the purposes of this I 'm looking at all the benches here and I 'm sure that everyone in this House , no matter what part of the United Kingdom they come from , will be cheering ' come on England ' .

  8. 我们对英国王室效忠的全部义务,我们与大不列颠王国之间大不列颠一切政治联系全部断绝,而且必须断绝。作为一个独立自由的国家,我们完全有权宣战、缔和、结盟、通商和采取独立国家有权采取的一切行动。

    that they are absolved by from all allegiance to the British Crown , and that all political connection between them and the State , they have full power to levy war , conclude peace , contract alliances , establish commerce , and to do all other acts and things which Independent States may of right do .

  9. 1779年的今天,西班牙向大不列颠联合王国宣战,直布罗陀包围战打响。

    1779-Spain declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain , and the siege of Gibraltar begins .

  10. 早在1707年,英格兰和苏格兰联合法案签署以后,苏格兰变成了大不列颠联合王国的一部分。

    Scotland had become part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707 , after the signing of the Union treaty .

  11. 大不列颠三王国与爱尔兰的联合,使全世界看到了一个显著的、无可反驳的例证,在联合国家之间的自由贸易是具有无限效能的。

    In the union of the three kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland the world witnesses a great and irrefragable example of the immeasurable efficacy of free trade between united nations .

  12. 但是这一国名对于人们来说它太拗口了,于是人们就称它为大不列颠或者联合王国又或者简单如U。

    But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country , so people just say Britain , the United Kingdom or simply U.

  13. 以我们最仁慈的神之名,以及根据我们大不列颠和爱尔兰联合王国最高的法律,我授予你伊普拉杰鲁伯爵的称号!

    For the power given by the kindest God and the highest law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , I announce you Earl Epolageloo !