
  • 网络Polyphagia
  1. 其余3组注射STZ后,均出现明显的多饮、多食、多尿症状,并慢慢出现精神萎靡,反应迟钝,少动抱团。

    After STZ injection , the rats of other three groups all presented obviously polydipsia , polyphagia , polyuria , and presented slowly the energetic dispirited , the slow reaction , little moves hugs the group .

  2. 可改善因糖尿病等引起的多饮、多食、多尿等症。

    Improve polydipsia , polyphagia , polyuria , caused by diabetes .

  3. 多食蔬菜。

    Eat plenty of vegetables .

  4. 研究人员称,多食水果蔬菜、坚果和籽类,以及全谷物早餐麦片、面包和意大利面食可降低体重、血压和胆固醇水平。

    The researchers say eating more fruit and vegetables , nuts and seeds and wholegrains in breakfast cereals , breads and pasta is linked to lower weight , blood pressure and cholesterol levels .

  5. Nestle称,业已证实的唯一对不育起作用的饮食因素是少食和多食的饮食方式。

    Nestle says the only dietary factors proven to play a role in infertility are eating way too little and eating way too much .

  6. 茶树品种对侧多食跗线螨种群的影响

    Effects of tea varieties on the population dynamics of yellow mite

  7. 石油降解菌多食鞘氨醇杆菌的发酵条件优化

    Optimization of the Liquid Fermentation Condition of the Petroleum Degradation Bacteria Sphingobacterium multivorum

  8. 多食大蒜亦趋于降低胃癌危险性。

    Garlic also tended to lower the OR .

  9. 而关于“感冒多食发烧少食”的建议。

    And what about the advice to feed a cold and starve a fever ?

  10. 结果表明不同茄子品种对侧多食跗线螨的抗性存在明显差异;

    The results showed that the field resistance of various eggplant varieties was significantly different .

  11. 另外多食蛋奶、红绿蔬果也是好办法。

    Another feed more eggs with milk , red green fruits and vegetables is good method .

  12. 建议大学生平时多食水果、鱼虾、奶类及奶制品和粗粮杂粮。

    The students should eat more fruits , fish and shrimp , milk and coarse grains .

  13. 在酒桌上和几个“见多食广”的朋友谈起了吃。

    Some Guys Who Ate MonkeysI was talking about food with some friends who are big fans .

  14. 随着人们对健康生活方式的追求越来越高,多食蔬菜已经成为一种时尚。

    With the the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle , eating more vegetables has become a trend .

  15. 在营养干预时也只是强调多食膳食纤维,更未注意到均衡膳食对身体健康的重要意义;

    Nutrition intervention emphasizes mere food fiber , paying no attention the significance of balanced meal to health .

  16. 中国异跗节类昆虫的科级阶元与部分种类的口器表征(鞘翅目:多食亚目)

    Study on the Family Category of Heteromera and Mouthpart Structure of Some Species from China ( Coleoptera : Polyphaga );

  17. 若君以有氧运动去一千千卡,则君可多食五百千卡,且尚有五百之失供去脂也。

    If you burn 1000kcal using cardio , you can eat 500kcal more while still having a 500kcal deficit to lose fat .

  18. 可以多食芝麻、核桃、糯米、蜂蜜等,以起到滋阴润肺养血的作用。

    Can eat sesame , walnut , glutinous rice , honey and so on , in order to play Ziyin lungs nourishing role .

  19. 气温迅速回升,昼夜温差大。适度保暖。神经痛高发。多食蔬菜,调理肠胃,降火气。

    Temperature rises rapidly and varies greatly , be sure to keep warm , prevent neuralgia , more vegetable to release the internal heat

  20. 这项新研究观察了睡眠当时间短与少动及多食同时存在时,前者自身是否会增加糖尿病的危险性。

    This new study examined whether reduced sleep duration itself may increase the risk of developing diabetes when combined with physical inactivity and overeating .

  21. 所以,当人们多食了富含蛋白质的荤食以后,以无花果做饭后的水果,有帮助消化的良好作用。

    So , when people eat a protein-rich Hunshi later to fig fruit after cooking , there is a good role to help digestion .

  22. 糖尿病大鼠偶有精神不振,出现多食、多饮、多尿症状,个别感染死亡。

    There is occasional lack of energy and the symptoms of more food , polydipsia , polyuria in the diabetic rats and some died from infecton .

  23. 具有色香味美、口感绵润、多食不腻等特点,是补充体内多种营养成份的风味食品。

    Cantonese cuisine with a taste Potaninia Run , do not eat greasy , etc. , is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food .

  24. 目前有些研究认为,妇女多食红肉或加工过的肉食会导致乳腺癌的发病率增加,但另外一些研究却认为二者之间并无联系。

    Some studies , for example , have found that women who eat a lot of red and processed meat are more likely to develop breast cancer than other women ;

  25. 治疗期间两组均调整饮食结构,多食蔬菜、水果、低脂、低糖和禁酒,进行体育锻炼,控制体重。

    During treatment , both groups control diet , adjust dietary structure , eating more vegetables , fruits , low fat , sugar and alcohol , take exercise , weight control .

  26. 春季是病毒出没频繁的时候,很多病毒都会趁虚而入,进入你的体内,多食食用菌能增加你的抗病毒能力。

    Spring is a frequent haunt of the virus , the virus will be many will slip in , survivals into your body , and more fresh edible fungus can increase your anti-virus capabilities .

  27. 结果:常服维生素、使用冰箱储存食物、多食新鲜水果、蔬菜、豆、奶制品和良好的饮食习惯等为预防胃癌的保护因素;

    Results : Supplements of vitamins , use of home refrigerators , high consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables , bean and dairy products , and good eating habits were protective factors against gastric cancer .

  28. 肿瘤家族史、慢性胃病史、多食煎炸、盐渍、腌晒、烟熏食品、不良饮食习惯、吸烟、饮白酒等为发生胃癌的危险因素。

    However , family history of cancer , chronic gastric diseases , increased intake of fried , salted , pickled and smoked foods , and bad eating habits , smoking and alcohol drinking were risk factors for gastric cancer .

  29. 虽然它也会吃昆虫、幼虫、蛇和蔬菜,但它们通常是机会主义者,多食腐肉,以咬死的袋熊,袋鼠、羊、兔的尸体为食。

    The latter enables the scavenger to gnaw on the already dead carcasses of wombats , wallabies , sheep and rabbits , though devils also will eat insects , larvae , snakes and vegetation when the opportunity presents itself .

  30. 本文从开放式生命系统与其外环境进行物质能量交换的不平衡性这一能量生物学总原理出发,阐明了多食少动导致能量过剩与脂肪积累;

    This essay is written from the perspective of the theory of " the imbalance of energy and matter exchange between open life system and the outer environment " . It also illustrates that how eating more and moving less lead to an excess of energy and fat ;