
  • 网络A rainy season;varsha
  1. 在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节。

    Summer is a rainy season in china .

  2. 虽然,在一年中登革热主要发生于热带地区,但是在高温多雨的季节中,有向其它地区扩散的趋势。

    Although there are incidences of dengue around the year in tropical climates , cases tend to spike during periods of high rainfall and high temperatures .

  3. 在华南,春天和初夏是多雨的季节,有许多日子会见到倾盆大雨,或者是跟随着台风而来的暴雨。

    In south China , Sprin and early Summer are the rainy season , there would be downpour in most of the days , or the storm follow after the typhoon .

  4. 武汉的四月是个多雨的季节,所以盛典在室外举行是不可能的,这也是黄鹤楼被排除的一个原因。

    April is a season of much rain in Wuhan so it is impossible to have the Final Draw conducted outdoors , and as a result the Yellow Crane Tower had to be ruled out .

  5. 宝瓶座指的是风雪,多雨和洪水的季节。

    At length comes_Aquarius_ , or the Water-bearer , to show the Season of Snows , Rains and Floods ;