
duō zǐ
  • seediness
多籽[duō zǐ]
  1. 亚洲的一个木质藤本小属,果实多籽。

    Small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit .

  2. 专长植物的人将浆果定义为皮薄多籽而果肉丰富的单一果类。

    Those whose specialty is plants define a berry as a simple , fleshy fruit with a thin wall and many seeds .

  3. 果实成熟后,黄色的果皮布满了粗刺,果肉鲜绿色像果冻,味道可以与香蕉媲美,多籽的果肉质地像黄瓜或西红柿。

    When ripe , the melon has a thick spiky yellow outer skin , with bright green , jelly like flesh . The flesh is often compared to the taste of a banana , with the texture of the seedy part of a cucumber or tomato .

  4. 第二十名的水果竟然是神秘不起眼的石榴!水果菜鸟恐怕会抱怨:**,那么多籽吐都吐不完!我宁可吃橙子,也不吃这玩意……你是不是连籽一起吃啊?!

    Sneaking into the top 20 , it 's the enigmatic and much underrated Pomegranate - guaranteed to make fruit noobs complain " WTF do I do with all the seeds ? I wouldn 't take this from an Orange ! ... " I think you 're supposed to eat the seeds .

  5. 盖板针布中嵌入了过多的飞花和籽屑。

    Excessive fly and seed bits embedded on flat wire .