
  • 网络dominic;dominy;demni;Dominion;Amy Domini
  1. “这是一个无意识的过程,”老多米尼亚大学的心理学家汤姆。凯施说。

    " It 's a non-conscious process ," said Tom Cash , a psychologist at Old Dominion University .

  2. 如果你们不介意的话,从今往后我个人会把TED的缩写解释成科技,娱乐和多米尼加人

    And if you don 't mind , privately now , in the future , I 'm going to think of TED as an acronym for Technology , Entertainment and Dominicans .

  3. 多米尼亚早餐&可以试一下Mangu。

    Breakfast in the Dominican Republic & you need to try the mangu .

  4. 多米尼加塞西莉亚姐妹会主要是负责教导的组织。

    The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia are a teaching order .

  5. 多米尼加普拉塔港,不只是岛市!

    Puerto Plata , Dominican Republic , More Than Just a Island City !

  6. 佩雷斯是第一代多米尼亚裔美国人。

    Perez is first generation Dominican American .

  7. 法国总理多米尼柯?德?维勒平说法国文学失去了她的一位最伟大的作家。

    Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said French literature had lost one of its greatest authors .

  8. 诸如意大利人社区,俄罗斯人社区,中国人社区,韩国人社区,多米尼加人社区和波多黎各人社区等。

    These include communities of Italians , Russians , Chinese , Koreans , Dominicans and Puerto Ricans .

  9. 跳梅伦格舞时,看起来就像是在跛行,这是多米尼加人对梅伦格舞由来的一种解释。

    When you dance it you look like you 're limping , which is an explanation the Dominicans give for its origin .

  10. 多米尼西说准实验法是近似一个随机实验的很好方法,尤其是在这种不可能做随机实验的情况下。

    Dominici said the quasi-experimental approach was a good approximation of a randomized experiment , especially in this situation where a randomized experiment is not possible .

  11. 我不知道这里有没有其他的多米尼加人,但我知道胡安恩里克斯昨天来这里了

    But I don 't know if there 's any other Dominican people here , but I know that Juan Enriquez , he was here yesterday .

  12. 读了这些邮件之后,我所想的就是跳起来登上最近一班去多米尼亚的飞机,张开双臂拥抱我的女儿。

    All I wanted , reading this news , was to jump on the first plane to the Dominican Republic , throw my arms around my daughter .

  13. 多米尼西说准实验法是近似一个随机实验的很好方法,“尤其是在这种不可能做随机实验的情况下。”

    Dominici said the quasi-experimental approach was a good approximation of a randomized experiment , " especially in this situation where a randomized experiment is not possible . "

  14. 由于阿里扎的祖父是多米尼加人,所以他说雄鹿队的维拉纽瓦和国王队的加西亚都在怂恿他加入他们的国家队。

    Since his grandfather is a native of the Dominican Republic , Ariza said Milwaukee 's Charlie Villanueva and Sacramento 's Francisco Garcia have been lobbying for him to join the team .

  15. 弗朗西斯卡·多米尼西认为这项研究“有着巨大吸引力”。身为哈佛大学公共卫生学院的生物统计学教授,多米尼西在美国研究细颗粒物对健康的影响。

    Francesca Dominici , a professor of biostatistics at Harvard School of Public Health who has researched the health effects of fine particulate matter in the U.S. , said the study was " fascinating . "

  16. 墨西哥人往往选择生活在西部和西南部地区,波多黎各人和多米尼加人集中于纽约、新泽西地区,古巴裔美国人则多集中于迈阿密一带。

    People of Mexican descent tend to live in the West and Southwest . Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are centered in the New York , New Jersey region , and Cuban Americans are concentrated in the Miami area .