
duō duì duō ɡuān xì
  • many-to-many relationship
  1. 具体来讲,将创建一个多对多关系,并通过Ajax使用户体验变得自然而有趣。

    Specifically , you 'll create a many-to-many relationship and use Ajax to make the user experience natural and enjoyable .

  2. 在本课中,将为退化维度定义一个事实关系,并定义一个多对多关系。

    In this lesson , you define a fact relationship for a degenerate dimension and define a many-to-many relationship .

  3. 当一个维度和一个事实之间有一个隐式的多对多关系时会出现PartialKeyJoins。

    Partial Key Joins occur when there is an implicit many to many relationship between a dimension and a fact .

  4. 标签中的cascade属性用来指明这种多对多关系的联机类型。

    The tag 's cascade attribute specifies the cascading style to be applied to this association .

  5. 之后的“使用Ajax实现多对多关系”教您使用GORM建模越来越复杂的类关系。

    Later , in " Many-to-many relationships with a dollop of Ajax ," you used GORM to model increasingly sophisticated class relationships .

  6. 那我们怎样映射多对多关系呢?

    So , how do we map a many-to-many association ?

  7. 因此,基于pub/sub的服务交互能够支持真正的多对多关系。

    Thus , pub / sub-based service interactions can support true many-to-many relationships .

  8. 在关系数据库中实现多对多关系的数据组织

    Realizing More_to_more Data Structure in Relation Database

  9. 双向的多对多关系是非常复杂的,在本文中我们不会涉及。

    Bidirectional associations are more complex , and we don 't cover them in this article .

  10. 在语义超图层次,描述和操作了不同语义类的对象;在语义子图层次,描述和操作了每一语义类的对象间的多对多关系。

    In the level of the semantic hypergraph , the model can describe and operate the objects belonging to different semantic classes ;

  11. 除了简单的多对多关系以外,希望您还能从本文了解一些创建多对多关系的出色技巧。

    More than the simple mechanics of many-to-many relationships , I hope that you picked up on some of the subtleties of creating them as well .

  12. 您可能需要使用一个联接表设置一个多对多关系,这需要几个联接来确定某个电影的演员。

    You would probably need to set up a many-to-many relationship with a join table , requiring several joins to determine the actors for a particular movie .

  13. 在实际情况中,可能多对多关系更准确些(选手一般会参加多个比赛),但是这里这样做是为了简单起见。

    In a real-world situation , it would probably be more appropriate to make the link many-to-many ( don 't runners usually run more than one race ?), but I 'm keeping it easy .

  14. 这种模式的缺点是稍微增加了一点复杂性,事实表与UCAT表之间存在多对多的关系。

    The disadvantage of this schema is a slightly increased complexity with a many-to-many relationship between the fact table and the UCAT table .

  15. 请求和替代提供商之间可以是多对多的关系。

    It can be a many-to-many relationship between requesting and substitute providers .

  16. 因此代码块与业务操作之间存在多对多的关系。

    So there is a many-to-many relationship between code blocks and business operations .

  17. 任何用户都可以对所有物品出价竞购,因此这是一个多对多的关系。

    Any item can be bid on by any user , so you have a classic many-to-many relationship .

  18. 当然,我将把它建模为一个“多对多”关系,因为我希望我的参赛者可以参加多项比赛。

    And of course , I 'll be modeling it as a many-to-many relationship because I hope my runners will run more than one race .

  19. 为了便于描述测评方法与密码算法之间多对多的对应关系,以及实现测评系统自动化工作模式,制定了相关的XML规范格式。

    In order to facilitate the description of the many-to-many relationship between evaluation methods and cryptographic algorithms , the automatic work pattern in evaluation is realized , and the XML files are formatted .

  20. 透明的,以多对多的工件关系支持跨领域可见性。

    Transparent , providing cross domain visibility via many-to-many artifact relationships .

  21. 多对多转移链关系信息模型的设计及其应用

    Design and Application for Relation Information Models with Multi to Multi Transfer

  22. 本文针对工程领域的特点,提出基于关系/网状的语义超图模型描述,以表达工程中不同语义类的多对多复杂对象关系;

    According to the features of engineering domains , this paper presents a semantic hypergraph model based on relation and network , in order to express many to many relations of different semantic classes .

  23. 怎样表示两个类之间一对多或多对多的关系?

    How do I represent a one-to-many , or many-to-many , relationship between two classes ?

  24. 现在来看看一个稍微复杂一些的关系&多对多(m:m)关系。

    Now it 's time to focus on a slightly more sophisticated relationship & the many-to-many ( m : m ) relationship .

  25. 内存中的对象存在着关联和继承等关系,而数据库中无法表现多对多关联和继承关系。

    In the memory object has relations and so on connection and inheritance , but in the database is unable to display many to the multi-connections and the inheritance relations .

  26. DEBA组件可以互相建立点对点关系、一对多关系,或者多对多关系。

    DEBA component can establish peer-to-peer , one-to-many , or many-to-many relationships with one another .

  27. JPA支持一对一、一对多、多对一和多对多关系。

    JPA supports one-to-one , one-to-many , many-to-one , and many-to-many relationships .

  28. 在关系数据库系统中的数据组织可以很方便地实现一对多关系,但难于实现多对多关系。

    While the one_to _more relationship can be conveniently realized in the data structure of relational database system , the one_to_more is hard .

  29. 交互动词所构成的事件至少需要两个论元角色同时参与,它们可以是一对一,一对多,多对一或多对多的关系。

    The interactive verb constitutes the event at least needs two to discuss a Yuan role also to participation , they may be a pair one , pair of many , many to one or are many to many relations .

  30. 如果您有多种彼此相关的记录,您也可以定义一对多、多对一、和多对多的关系。

    If you have multiple types of records that are related to each other , you can define one-to-many , one-to-one , and many-to-many relationships as well .