
  • 网络Doha Conference
  1. 在去年11月结束的多哈会议上,已成功地启动了WTO新一轮多边贸易谈判。

    After the Doha Conference , a new round of WTO 's multilateral trade negotiation has been launched .

  2. 而多哈会议以来的谈判在这方面并未取得真正的实质性的成果。

    However , negotiations following the Doha Conference failed to achieve substantive results in real sense in this regard .

  3. 此外,多边贸易体制处在一个关键时刻,11月WTO多哈会议为世人所瞩目。

    The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture . The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention .

  4. 2001年11月19日,经过十五年的艰苦努力,我国在世界贸易组织多哈会议上正式加入了WTO。多哈会议,中国成功加入WTO,至此圆满结束了长达15年的入世进程。

    China has formally entered WTO in Doha on 19 , November , 2001 after 15 years efforts . China has become a full member of World Trade Organization on 10 Nov. 2001 in Doha .

  5. 股价对多哈会议结果的本能反应没有什么道理。

    A knee-jerk reaction of equity prices to the outcome of the Doha meeting makes little sense .

  6. 世贸组织多哈会议启动新的多边贸易谈判是一个积极信号。

    The WTO Doha meeting launched a new round of multilateral trade negotiations , which shows a positive signal .

  7. 不管多哈会议上说了什么,全球石油市场的供应过剩局面可能仍会持续一段时间。

    Regardless of what is said at Doha , the global oil market is likely to remain oversupplied for a while .

  8. 经过多哈会议的失望之后,自由贸易主义者通过达成多边和区域贸易协议来聊表安慰。比如在新加坡达成的区域贸易协议。

    After the Geneva disappointment , some free traders find consolation in the success of bilateral and regional deals , such as those agreed on in Singapore .

  9. 以多哈会议为标志、以公共健康问题为契机,21世纪知识产权国际保护制度将向更理性的方向发展。

    With the symbol of the Doha conference and the turning point of the public health issue , the international protection system of intellectual property will go more reasonably in the 21st century .

  10. 在多哈气候会议之前,basic四国将于11月份在中国举行他们的下一场会议。

    The basic countries will hold their next meeting in China in November just before the Doha climate talks .

  11. 目前刺激油价的一个直接因素是产油国本周日将在多哈召开会议,包括俄罗斯和石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)的多数成员国。

    One immediate spur to prices has been the prospect of the meeting of oil-producing countries , including Russia and most members of Opec , in Doha on Sunday .

  12. 交易商们曾希望,上周末在多哈举行会议的欧佩克石油部长们或许会开始关闭龙头。

    Traders had hoped that this group , meeting in Doha over the weekend , might begin to close the spigot .

  13. 会议主席谢赫·阿卜杜拉·本·哈玛·阿提亚提醒在多哈国家会议中心的代表们,为期两周的会议议程既充满了雄心壮志又充满了挑战。

    Conference president , Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hama Al-Attiyah , reminded delegates in the cavernous Doha National Convention Center that the agenda for the two-week meeting is ambitious and challenging .

  14. 为了在TRIPS框架下解决这一矛盾,多哈部长级会议上通过了《公共健康宣言》。

    Trying to resolve this contradiction under TRIPS , the Doha Declaration was passed at the WTO ministerial meeting held in Doha .

  15. 而首要承诺期限将在今年年底失效,谈判代表们将在多哈气候变化会议上就续约问题展开讨论。

    The first commitment period expires at the end of this year , and negotiators will work on an extension at the climate conference in Doha .

  16. 沃尔福威茨说,发展委员会也会关注贸易问题-展望12月份在香港召开的多哈回合贸易谈判会议。

    Wolfowitz said the Development Committee would also focus on trade – looking ahead to the pivotal Doha Round of trade talks in Hong Kong in December .

  17. 世贸组织多哈回合的坎昆会议上农产品贸易谈判的失败,集中体现出对外贸易政策的本质是其本国国内政治经济的反映。

    The failure of agriculture negotiation in Cancun WTO Ministerial Conference shows that the essence of foreign trade policy is the reflect of domestic politics and economy .

  18. 在蒙特雷、多哈和约翰内斯堡多边会议上达成的全球协定依然是实现更大程度上的公平、稳定和减贫的根本。

    The global compact arrived at in the multilateral meetings in Monterrey , Doha and Johannesburg remains fundamental to achieving greater equity , stability and poverty reduction .