
duō yuán xìnɡ
  • Diversity;pluralism
  1. 它认为其中存有某种根本的多元性;

    It says there is a certain ultimate pluralism in it ;

  2. 闽文化的多元性及其地缘环境分析

    Analysis of the Geographic Environment of the Culture Pluralism in Fujian

  3. 鉴于g20成员国的多元性,一刀切的银行拯救政策从来就不现实。

    Given the range of countries at the G20 , a one-size-fits-all bank rescue policy was never feasible .

  4. 应用SAS统计,多元性回归分析等方法进行相关数据处理。

    Application of the statistical method of SAS and the linear polynomial regression equation to analysis and inquire the influencing factors of the meteorology .

  5. 中国加入WTO之后,更要清醒地认识到可能发生的价值单一、思想贫乏等问题,致力于公民道德和思想多元性的建设,保持批判创新的改革精神。

    China has to be aware of the hazard after entering WTO . It is critical to build the nation 's moral standard and diversification of thoughts , to keep an acute and creative spirit of reform .

  6. 对于WCDMA这样的复杂系统,影响因素众多且相互耦合,WCDMA无线网络规划具有综合性和多元性,理论上的容量覆盖预测结果往往误差较大。

    For the WCDMA system this complex , many factors and mutual coupling , WCDMA radio network planning is comprehensive and diversity , the theoretical capacity of the error is larger cover predictions .

  7. 时至今日,大多数顶级商学院(尤其是美国商学院)仍无法与insead创立之初所形成的文化多元性比肩。

    Today , most top business schools , particularly in the US , still cannot match the cultural diversity that INSEAD established at the outset .

  8. RCA是一种适合在芯片上(onchip)进行信号扩增的新技术,它既能提供研究分析的敏感性和特异性,又能保持立体分析的多元性。

    That make the RCA especially suitable for biochip research . As a new technique RCA is well suited to on-chip signal amplification that not only provide the sensibility and specificity of analysis but also keep the multiplexing of stereo-analysis .

  9. 表演内容的主题性、表演语汇的独特性、表演场面的宏大性、表演手可段的科学性、表演结构的整体性、表演功能的多元性等是现代大型体育庆典活动表演SZ的基本特征。

    Theme of the content , originality of form , magnificence of spectacle , science of means integrity of structure , diversity of function are the basic features of modern large-scale gymnastic celebration .

  10. 文章首先介绍了皮纳(Pinar)、多尔(Doll)、卡普拉(Capra)、斯拉特瑞(Slattery)等人的后现代课程理论,并概括出了后现代课程的一些基本特征:多元性;非体系化;

    In the first part of the paper , some postmodern curriculum theories by Doll , Capra and Slattery are introduced , main characteristics are generalized .

  11. 后现代艺术的多元性特征分析

    An Analysis of the Features of Diversity of the Post-modern Art

  12. 试论美国文化多元性的成因与特征

    A Tentative Study of Causation and Characteristics of American Cultural Plurality

  13. 别让他们和我们自己都身处在黑暗里,让我们一同为多元性欢呼!

    Let us not keep them and ourselves in the dark .

  14. 正是这种多元性、多层次和多向性,使大学生的心态呈现出矛盾的两重状态。

    All these make them present the contradictory dual mentality .

  15. 论民族区域自治的一体多元性

    The Regional Autonomy of Minorities as Single Unit with Pluralism

  16. 新加坡是一个文化呈多元性,然却没有哪一种文化居绝对主导地位的国家。

    Singapore has no absolutely dominant culture though it has manifold cultures .

  17. 水文化、平原文化、山文化一道构成了多元性的丰富多彩的江苏文化。

    The three cultures constitute a diversified and colorful culture of Jiangsu .

  18. 论英美小说文体分析中的多元性与互补性

    On Pluralism and Complementarity of Stylistics Analysis of English and American Fictions

  19. 论体育隐蔽课程的文化多元性

    Discussion the Multi Cultures of Physical Education Hide Curriculum

  20. 行政应急过程中的责任具有多元性。

    The plurality of duty is revealed in the administrative emergency handling process .

  21. 对翻译标准多元性的理论分析

    A Theoretical Study on the Multiplicity of Translation Criteria

  22. 论客家文化构成的多元性

    On Pluralism of the Formation of the Hakka Culture

  23. 其特征可归纳为民族性与多元性两个方面。

    Its features should be classified into two aspects of nationality and pluralism .

  24. 这为下文信仰多元性的合理限度做了铺垫。

    The diversity of faith for below reasonable limit .

  25. 水彩画的发展与多元性

    Diversity and the development of water color painting

  26. 解读多元性文化与消费文化

    An Explanation of Diversified Culture and Consuming Culture

  27. 正是因为这种包容,上海的文化充满了多元性。

    Precisely because of this inclusion , the Shanghai culture is full of diversity .

  28. 澳门文化的多元性解析&兼与香港文化比较

    An analysis on the diversity of Macao Culture

  29. 关于少数民族地区多元性法律制度的协调问题

    On the Coordination of the Plural Law Systems in the Areas of National Minorities

  30. 具有多元性、主体性、历史性和变动性以及继承性等特征。

    With characteristics of diversity , subjectivity , and historical changes and the inheritance .