- 网络many-body problem;n-body problem;N-body

On Central Configurations of N-body Problem
The SO ( N ) group plays an important role in studying the quantum many body systems .
The effect of boundary conditions on computer simulating dislocation patterns of a fatigued copper single crystals was studied by using the method of discrete dislocation dynamics in two-dimensional system .
对(p,e,p)(D ̄+,e,D ̄+)多体问题须考虑核与电子同时运动以代替玻恩-奥本海默近似。
It is necessary that the nuclei motions are taken into account , instead of Born-Oppenheimer approximation , for multimer problems such as ( p , e , p )( D  ̄ + , e , D  ̄ + ) .
The idea of Appel 's hierarchical algorithm handling the many body problem is implemented in the direct boundary element method ( BEM ) for computation of 3 D VLSI parasitic capacitance .
On the correlation effect in many - body systems
Many Bodies Problem of a Relativistic Charged Particle System
Complete solution of many-body problem
Although the 1D quantum nonlinear lattice is formally simple , it is still a many body quantum-mechanic problem with quite complicated dynamics .
Due to the nonlinearity and complexity of many-body problems , the molecular statistical theory of liquid crystals has not been perfect as yet .
The main reason is that there are mutual coupling in quantum many-body problems , which made it very difficult to exactly solve them .
Some theoretical approaches to the relativistic nuclear many-body problem , which take into account the substructure of the nucleon , have been also briefly discussed .
The study of low-dimensional classic and quantum integrable many-body systems continues to be the subject of intensive , high-profile research in the mathematical and physical sciences worldwide .
It is usual way in treating quantum many-body problem to get the symmetric part of the wave function from an asymmetric trial wave function by using projection operators .
This article introduces the theory of energy bands and explains it is a approximate theory . Theory of energy bands change the problem of multi-particle system into the problem of single electron .
With the development of marine transportation , the dimensions of offshore structures become larger and the structures are more and more complicated . And also there have been a lot of catamaran and multi-body problem .
Due to its connection with several outstanding problems in the physics of complexity , the BK model has had significant impact not only on seismology but also on the physics of multi body systems .
A study on the modeling of linear elastic multibody contact problems
Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Body Contact Problems for a Road Wheel
Two numerical methods of multi-body movement in incompressible fluid
In addition , an experiment is specially designed on shock tube to validate the numerical method .
There are many complex unsteady flow problems including moving boundary , such as aeroelasticity , fluid-structure coupling , multi-body separation problems .
Application of complex conjugate gradient method ( CCGM ) and fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) to study multitudinous scattering in near-field optics .
Flow problem about Multi-body with relative movement is a special kind of mechanical problem and it widely exists in the field of aeronautics , astronautics and weapons .
In this dissertation , a numerical method using dynamic unstructured grid is studied and software system is established , which can efficiently and exactly simulate multi-body flow problems with complex configuration and complicated relative motion .
The application of flexible rod to space probe-cone docking impact process belongs to flexible multi-body dynamics problem . In addition , it includes study of impact transient dynamics . Therefore , it is a great difficult problem .
Because of its complexity , it is hard to research or analysis whether using experimental or numerical simulation methods . As a result , establishing an effective and accurate numerical simulation method is important both in theory and practice .
The T matrix approach together with the translation addition theorem for vector spherical waves is employed to solve the aggregate scattering problem . Numerical results for scattering intensity and the linear polarization ratio of soot particles with different fractal structures or different particle numbers are illustrated .
This paper shows that for the contact problem with less contact pairs , the computational efficiency decreases greatly when the number of contact pairs increases . Moreover , for some multi-body contact problems , the contact flexibility matrix cannot be obtained due to the occurrence of rigid body translation .
Studying collaboration of MAS , the paper brings forward SBD ( Strategy Based on Disorganization ) for disorganization .