
  • 网络outside funding;external finance;External funding
  1. PaulGraham承认,YC合伙人用个人资金投资了一些创业公司,不过那只是在它们没有吸引到太多外部资金的情况下。

    Graham concedes that individual YC partners have invested in a few startups that hadn 't been able to attract much outside funding .

  2. 如果你需要外部资金才能开创自己的事业的话,那么你就要准备好一份商业计划。

    If you 'll need outside funding in order to start your home business , you should expect to prepare a small business plan .

  3. 对发展中国家和地区而言,FDI已经取代外国官方援助、私人债务和证券投资成为最重要的外部资金来源。

    As for developing countries , FDI has replaced the former parties to become the most important source of external funds .

  4. BOT项目融资作为利用外部资金的一种新形式,为解决资金短缺问题提供了一条新的途径。

    As a new means of utilizing foreign-fund , BOT ( Build-Operate-Transfer ) provides a new way for solving shortage of funds .

  5. 管理层收购(MBO)作为杠杆收购的一种,在实施的过程中需要大量的外部资金。

    To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs ( LMO ), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement .

  6. 卡尔伊坎(CarlIcahn)去年年初将其基金的外部资金返还给投资者之后,赚取了25亿美元。

    Carl Icahn made $ 2.5bn after returning the outside capital in his fund to investors early last year .

  7. 亿万富豪乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)把旗下对冲基金剩余的外部资金全部退还投资者,使这个问题在美国备受瞩目。

    Billionaire George Soros brought the issue to prominence in the us when he returned the remaining outside money in his hedge fund to investors .

  8. 著名的MM理论认为,在完全资本市场中,公司内部资金与外部资金能够相互取代。因此,公司的融资结构与其投资决策无关。

    In the famous MM theory , corporations internal funds and external funds can be replaced by each other in the complete capital market , so , corporations financing structure are not relevant to their investment decision .

  9. FDI是国际经济关系中最为敏感的部分,因而是各国经济政策的主要筹码,同时也是发展中国家外部资金最重要的来源。

    FDI is the most sensitive part in international economy relations , and thus is the main chip of various countries ' economic policies , simultaneously also is the most important source of foreign capital in developing countries .

  10. 到2010年9月,Hector已经募集到了第一笔外部资金:从Infosys创始人NR•纳拉亚纳•穆尔蒂(NRNarayanaMurthy)创立的风险投资基金CatamaranVentures,和FootprintVentures募得了300万美元——这两家机构和HectorBeverages现在的总部都设在班加罗尔。

    By September 2010 , Hector had rais ­ ed its first outside funds : $ 3m from Catamaran Ventures , the venture capital fund of Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy , and from Footprint Ventures - both in Bangalore where Hector Beverages is now based .

  11. 靠外部资金供给的公司,会稀释其股东权益。

    Companies financing from externally gained funds will dilute their shareholders .

  12. 国营企业似乎正在争夺外部资金。

    State enterprises appear to be competing for outside capital .

  13. 如果外部资金没有增长望远镜将被关闭。

    If external funding is not raised , the telescope would close .

  14. 减少外部资金援助将造成毁灭性后果。

    Reduced external financial assistance will truly be a killer .

  15. 并且这些公司大多都没有接受大量外部资金。

    And most of them did it without a lot of outside capital .

  16. 它们显然在今后一些年仍需获得外部资金支持。

    Clearly , external financial support will be needed for some years to come .

  17. 经济增长的启动在很大程度上取决于资金积累能力和引入外部资金能力。

    Economic growth lies largely on capital accumulating ability and foreign capital introducing ability .

  18. 目前的外部资金规模达100亿美元。

    It now sits on an estimated $ 10 billion of other people 's money .

  19. 第二,减少对外部资金的依赖。

    2 reduce dependence on external capital .

  20. 面对如此非凡的外部资金侵袭,没有哪种监管机制能够应付得了。

    No regulatory regime could cope when confronted with such an extraordinary incursion of exogenous money .

  21. 萨马拉斯需要解释当没有外部资金支持时,希腊如何才能为自己融资。

    Mr Samaras needs to explain how Greece can fund itself when no outside finance is available .

  22. 引进外部资金是解决西部地区资金短缺的重要手段。

    Capital inflow is the importance measure to increase supply financing for the development of West China .

  23. 虽然这是一种稳健的操作手法,但是适当地引入一些外部资金也许会更好。

    Although this is a steady operating measure , appropriate introduction of outside capitals might be more optimal .

  24. 报告建议它们获取外部资金以避免在2011年被关闭。

    Both programmes will have to obtain external funding by2011 to avoid being shut down , the report suggests .

  25. 还有一种可能是,随着使塔利班核心领导层获得权力砝码的外部资金来源中断,塔利班可能会走向分裂。

    Alternatively , the Taliban could splinter as the sources of external funding that give central leaders leverage disappear .

  26. 结果,这些机构将无法获得外部资金,并且很快就会要求政府援助。

    As a result , these institutions will not be able to raise outside capital and will immediately require government help .

  27. 学术资本机制的目的是为了保持和扩大资源、获取外部资金的支持,是大学创业活动的集中表现。

    The purpose of academic capital Mechanisms is to maintain and expand the resource of university , access to external funding support .

  28. 外部资金的进入是填补西部地区资金缺口、加快西部开发进程的重要手段。但如何才能形成多渠道、大规模引进外部资金的局面则是目前西部地区面临的难题。

    The introduction of foreign funds is a very important means of filling fund gap and accelerating the process of western development .

  29. 外源融资是指企业利用外部资金来进行融资,主要有直接融资和间接融资两种方式。

    Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing , mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways .

  30. 三是务农农户在农业生产经营活动中受自身资金条件和获取外部资金来源的双重限制,资金集约经营程度不高。

    Third , due to the double restriction of low income and little access to external funding sources , the development of capital-intensive farming is restricted .