
  • 网络External Ratings
  1. 但并非所有预言都很惨淡:立法者现正采取全面的解决途径,应对过度依赖外部评级的问题巴塞尔协议iii是佐证。

    But not all the augeries are bleak : regulators are now taking a comprehensive approach to over-reliance on external ratings witness Basel III rules .

  2. 但是,即使是广泛使用的KMV模型和CreditMetrics模型直接在我国商业银行使用,也有局限性,如历史数据不足、资本市场不成熟、外部评级机构不权威等等。

    Yet limitation still exists when our commercial banks use the wildly use KMV model and Credit Metrics model , such as shortage of historical data , immature of the capital market and lack of independent rating authorities .

  3. 第三,建立与完善外部评级体系;

    Third , setting up and perfecting the external ratings-based system ;

  4. 商业银行内部评级与外部评级的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Commercial Banks ' IRB Approach and External Rating

  5. 文章第三部分论述了内部信用评级的基本架构,并将内部评级与外部评级作了简单的比较,随

    The third section outlines the internal risk-rating framework , and

  6. 二是在信用风险领域允许银行采用外部评级机构所提供的信用等级计算其资本要求。

    Secondly , in the area of credit risk rating agency external to allow banks calculate their capital requirements for credit ratings .

  7. 世界经济危机之后,外部评级机构受到了广泛批评,因为它们的评级结果在某种程度上误导了投资者。

    After the global economic crisis , the external rating agencies has been widely criticized because of their ratings to some extent misleading investors .

  8. 但在资本充足率、外部评级、内部评级和操作风险上距离新资本协议仍有相当的差距。

    However , we are still far from capital adequacy , external rating , internal rating and operational risk management which are set up in The New Basel Capital Accord .

  9. 因而,银行业在进行信用风险管理时,选择内部模型比直接利用外部评级机构提供的信用评级结果更合适。

    So as , if a bank want to manage its credit risk , the better chose is the internal ratings-based ( IRB ) model rather than directly using the outcome from the external credit rating organization .

  10. 为确保外部评级客观、公正,部分有资金实力中小金融机构选择了买断评级报告的模式,学习评级技术。5.代收费模式应该是未来评级收费发展方向。

    To ensure that the external rating objective , fair , some have financial strength small and medium-sized financial institutions chose to buy out the credit rating report model , learning rating technology . 5 . " collection charges model " should be the future rating charge development direction .

  11. 外部信用评级隐含的风险信息研究综述

    Summarize on Study on Connotative Risk Information of External Credit Assessment

  12. 发展外部信用评级制度。

    And to develop the system of the external credit rating .

  13. 证券公司的自营、经纪、资产管理等业务也存在顺周期性特征,而公允价值会计计量方法以及外部信用评级则加剧了证券公司的顺周期性。

    Securities companies ' proprietary trading , brokerage and asset management business are also pro-cyclical and the fair value accounting measurement methods as well as external credit rating exacerbated securities companies ' pro-cyclical .

  14. 外部信用评级将融资过程与信用分析过程相分离,为资金供需双方的信息缺口开辟通渠,降低投资人信息不对称的信息搜寻成本和融资企业的交易成本,提高金融管理效率和市场效率。

    External credit rating separates finance process and credit analysis process , joints information gap between supply and demand , so as to decrease information seeking cost caused by information asymmetry and capital transaction cost for the purpose of increasing finance management efficiency and marketing efficiency .

  15. 接着根据政策、法律环境等外部因素对内部评级制度的影响,探讨中美银行在这方面存在差异的原因。

    According to the policies and legal environment , which is influenced by the internal rating system , the writer then inquires into the reasons why the said difference exists in Chinese and American commercial banks .