
wài xínɡ xīnɡ
  • outer planet;superior planet
  1. 系外行星特征卫星将通过测量行星的直径来做到这一点。

    Cheops will do this by measuring the width of the planets .

  2. 系外行星特征卫星将为更精密的望远镜起草一份星体候选名单,这些望远镜将有望探测大气中生命的化学特征。

    Cheops will draw up a shortlist for later , more sophisticated telescopes that hope to probe atmospheres for the chemical signatures of life .

  3. 系外行星特征卫星将研究的许多行星体积都大于我们的地球,但小于海王星,这个大小居中的体积在我们的星系中似乎占主导地位。

    Many of the planets to be studied by Cheops , are bigger than our Earth , but smaller than Neptune1 , an in-between size that seems dominant2 in our galaxy3 .

  4. 这个名为“北落师门b”的系外行星是第一个用可视光拍到的行星。

    The exoplanet Fomalhaut b was the first one photographed with visible light .

  5. 另一组更倾向于“北落师门b”是笼罩在尘云中的系外行星这一假设。

    The other group favors the hypothesis that Fomalhaut b is an exoplanet , albeit one shrouded in dust .

  6. 科学家发现的首颗围绕这颗恒星运行的系外行星是GJ357b。

    The first exoplanet discovered around the star was GJ 357 b.

  7. 经初步确认有三个绕着恒星HD40307转动的系外行星,而新发现的星球也是其中一员。

    The world is one of three tentatively identified new exoplanets orbiting the star HD 40307 .

  8. LTT1445Ab与2016年发现的另一个有“三个太阳”的系外行星HD131399Ab差别很大。

    LTT 1445Ab is very different from the 2016 discovery of HD 131399Ab , another exoplanet with three suns .

  9. 寻找离地球较近的适居带行星将是凌日系外行星勘测人造卫星(TransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite,简称TESS)的任务。这种卫星将于2017年发射。

    Finding Goldilocks planets closer to home will be the job of TESS , the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite , scheduled to be launched in 2017 .

  10. 美国宇航局的过境系外行星测量卫星(TESS)在完成对南半球天空的第一年观测后,发现了几颗距离地球仅31光年的有趣的新系外行星。

    After completing its first year of observations in the southern sky , NASA 's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has spotted some intriguing new exoplanets only 31 light-years away from Earth .

  11. 科学家发现了数颗围绕着长蛇座M矮星GJ357运行的系外行星,系外行星指的是围绕太阳系外恒星运行的行星。

    Multiple exoplanets -- planets orbiting stars outside our solar system -- were discovered orbiting an M-dwarf star , called GJ 357 in the Hydra constellation .

  12. 研究人员是在研究HIP13044恒星的时候发现了这颗太阳系外行星。恒星HIP13044又名Sergio(塞尔吉奥),取在银河系外起源的恒星之意。

    Researchers found the exoplanet while looking at the star HIP 13044 or Sergio , for Star of Extra-Galactic Origin .

  13. 耶鲁大学(Yale)天文学者德布拉·费希尔(DebraFischer)在回顾系外行星历史时说,第一次发现围绕类似太阳的恒星运行的行星是在20年前。

    Reviewing the history of exoplanets , Debra Fischer , a Yale astronomer , recalled that the first planet found orbiting another sunlike star , a Jupiter-like giant , was discovered 20 years ago .

  14. 这颗行星是由美国航空航天局的行星猎手太空望远镜TESS发现的。TESS的使命是通过检测行星阻隔恒星一小部分光线时指示性的变暗来寻找系外行星。

    The planet was discovered by TESS , NASA 's planet-hunting space telescope designed to find exoplanets that pass between us and their home star , by detecting the telltale dimming as the planet blocks a small percentage of the star 's light .

  15. 这是一个有最高解析度,世上最精确的光谱仪,叫做HARPS。这实际上是用于探测太阳系外行星,和恒星大气中的声波。

    This is the number one high resolution , most precise spectrograph on this planet , called HARPS , which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars .

  16. 此外,这颗系外行星是目前科学研究的热点,在地外生命探索领域的领导者SETI(地外文明探索)机构看来尤其如此。

    Furthermore , this exoplanet is one of science 's most notable subjects , particularly in the eyes of the SETI ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) Institute , a leader in the exploration for extraterrestrial life .

  17. 如果得以证实,这颗被命名为“Gliese581g”的系外行星将成为第一颗类似地球的世界——该行星的温度可维持表面存在液态水。

    If confirmed , the exoplanet , named Gliese 581g , would be the first Earth-like world found residing in a star 's habitable zone - a region where a planet 's temperature could sustain liquid water on its surface .

  18. 但是这两次外行星任务有重大的差异。

    Yet there are fundamental differences between these two outer-planet missions .

  19. 它们是首次在外行星上发现的卷云。

    They are the first cirrus clouds seen on an outer planet .

  20. 这一发现可能会开创系外行星研究新标向。

    The finding might chart a new course for extrasolar planet research .

  21. 这架望远镜能够侦测到体积比地球还小的系外行星。

    It should be capable of detecting exoplanets smaller than the Earth .

  22. 研究人员还在星系中发现了更多系外行星的信号。

    The researchers also discovered more signals of exoplanets in the system .

  23. 太阳系外行星动力演化研究

    The studies on the dynamics of the extrasolar planets

  24. 土星是太阳系里一颗巨大的外行星之一。

    Saturn is one of the giant outer planets of our solar system .

  25. 这两颗行星是在它们恒星周围的的宜居区中所被发现的最小的系外行星。

    Both are the smallest exoplanets ever found in their stars habitable zones .

  26. 有一些机器人只是比较呆,比如有的机器人账号会描绘虚构的系外行星。

    Some are just geeky , like a bot that describes imaginary exoplanets .

  27. 步骤一:把地球当做一个(太阳)系外行星进行研究。

    Step one : examine the Earth as if it were an exoplanet .

  28. 我们怎样寻找(太阳)系外行星上的生命?

    How can we search for life on exoplanets ?

  29. 而近期一项研究发现了在红矮星周围绕轨道运行的系外行星有着和地球相似的特征。

    And a recently discovered exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf had some Earth-like qualities .

  30. 系外行星是上世纪末天文学领域的一个重大发现。

    Exoplanets are great discoveries in the last century in the field of astronomy .