
Wài tān
  • the Bund
  1. 码头我想在傍晚的时候去外滩散步。stroll闲逛;

    I 'd like to stroll along the Bund at dusk .

  2. 这听起来是不是像是在说新年夜(NewYear’sEve)上海外滩发生的那场导致36人丧生、数十人受伤的灾难?

    Sound like the New Year 's Eve disaster at the Shanghai Bund , in which 36 people died and dozens more were injured ?

  3. 再之后,他们在外滩的ATTICA俱乐部玩了一宿。

    Afterwards , they had a night out on the Bund at club ATTICA .

  4. 而江对岸的外滩茂悦大酒店(HyattontheBund),入住率也不足50%。

    And just across the river is the Hyatt on the Bund , also no more than half full .

  5. 在HF外滩商品房市场定位分析中,着重分析了其在市场定位中存在的主要问题,发现影响其市场定位的主要因素,包括企业自身因素、目标客户因素和外部环境因素。

    The market positioning analysis of " HF Waitan " commercial residential buildings details the main problems and the primary factors which influent market positioning , include the enterprise factor , the consumer factor and the external environmental factor .

  6. 相对于从我们紧邻外滩的酒店到原英国领事馆的福1088(fu1088)的狭窄入口的15分钟出租车车程,上海的现代面貌似乎更为遥远,在那里,迎接我们的是4位门童。

    This modern face of the city seemed far more distant than the 15-minute taxi ride from our hotel near the Bund to the narrow entrance to Fu 1088 in the former British quarter , where we were greeted by four doormen .

  7. 18个月前,这家英国公司赢得了中国招商银行(CMB)的一项合同,将为该行在上海外滩设计一座高200米的总部大楼,目前这个项目已在建设之中。

    Eighteen months ago the UK-based group won the contract to design a 200-metre high headquarters for China Merchants Bank on Shanghai 's Bund , which is under construction .

  8. 带上您的家人,来外滩中心CJW享受温馨的家庭聚会

    Come with your family to enjoy a specially prepared Dinner at CJW Bund Center

  9. 在上海最著名的大街&外滩(Bund),新古典主义建筑的门面依次排开,任何在维多利亚繁荣时期兴建的英国工业城镇里长大的人都不会对它们感到陌生。

    There is the Bund , Shanghai 's most famous street , lined with neo - classical facades that will be familiar to anyone who grew up in a British industrial town built on Victorian prosperity .

  10. 上海港国际客运中心建于北外滩,拥有870m沿江岸线。

    Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal was founded in the North Bund , which possesses about 870 m length coastlines .

  11. 北京(CNN)&最大的37岁,最小的只有12岁。上海政府周五公布了周三晚在外滩发生的踩踏事件细节。

    Beijing ( CNN ) & The oldest was 37 ; the youngest was only 12.Shanghai authorities on Friday released details about 35 of the three dozen New Year 's revelers killed in a stampede on the city 's waterfront Wednesday night .

  12. 预计上海一家法院本周将开庭审理这起复星国际有限公司(FosunInternationalLtd.)今年5月对SOHO中国有限公司(SohoChinaLtd.)提起的诉讼案。复星国际力争夺回收购上海外滩附近一个地块的权利。

    A Shanghai court is expected to begin hearing arguments this week in a suit filed in May by Shanghai-based Fosun International Ltd. against Beijing rival Soho China Ltd. Fosun is seeking to claim back its right to acquire a piece of land near Shanghai 's prestigious Bund area .

  13. 3年多以前,上海庆祝了史上最著名的垃圾食品之一——奥利奥(Oreo)问世100周年纪念日——外滩上燃放了焰火,摩天大楼上投射了几层楼高的奥利奥霓虹灯广告。

    Three scant years ago , Shanghai celebrated the 100th birthday of one of history 's most famous junk foods - the Oreo biscuit - with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon adverts projected on to skyscrapers .

  14. 上海外滩金融中心结构工程施工技术

    Construction Technique for the Structural Works of Shanghai Bund Financial Center

  15. 鲁西前寒武纪基性岩墙群上海外滩防汛墙的高度

    The height of the flood wall of water front in Shanghai

  16. 即使上海大部分地区也不像外滩。

    And even most of Shanghai is not like the Bund .

  17. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。

    E.go straight ahead along the Bund and then turn left .

  18. 外滩,是上海的一张城市名片。

    The Bund is the " name card " of Shanghai .

  19. “东外滩”;近代工业文明遗产;保护;更新。

    " East Bund ", Industrial Heritage , Conservation , Regeneration .

  20. 我们在外滩可以看到黑龙江省旅游线路风格的建筑。

    We can see buildings of different styles along the bund .

  21. 确切地说是在上海的外滩拍的。

    Specifically , it was shot at the Bund of Shanghai .

  22. 上海外滩半岛酒店消防给水系统设计

    Design of Fire Water Supply System for Shanghai Bund Peninsula Hotel

  23. 宁波外滩改造项目较好的处理了这一问题。

    This problem is solved well in Ningbo Bund reformation project .

  24. 综合治理长江外滩控制血吸虫病流行研究

    Study on Schistosomiasis Control by Comprehensive Harnessing of Yangtze River Beaches

  25. 从东方明珠电视塔上你可以看到外滩。

    From the Oriental Pearl TV Tower you can see the Bund .

  26. 常德市诗墙外滩公园改造详细规划

    Rebuild Detailed Plan of Poem Wall Park of Changde City

  27. 近代上海外滩空间变迁之动因分析

    Analysis of vicissitude of the Bund space in modern Shanghai

  28. 上海外滩地区历史建筑保护

    Historical Building Preservation in the Bund Area in Shanghai with Comparative Method

  29. “外滩”是突出以韵与“基金”。

    " Bund " is pronounced to rhyme with " fund " .

  30. 外滩的建筑物让我想到欧洲的建筑物。

    Those building along the Bund remind me of those in Europe .