- 名foreign exchange market;forex market

The significance of the foreign exchange market outstrips its impressive size .
Finally , the thesis designs the foreign exchange market managing system in forward-looking aspect .
The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday
A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges
The Bank of Japan , after six years off the battlefield , has launched a fusillade of intervention to hold down the yen in foreign exchange markets .
Asia 's developing countries are risking a renewed economic crisis by intervening extensively in foreign exchange markets , the Asian Development Bank warned in its annual regional review on Tuesday .
My Theory Permit to the QFII System Effect the Foreign Exchange Market and the Monetary Policy
The latest bout of dollar weakness has occurred as currency markets have developed a growing belief that the US economy is in worse shape than the Federal Reserve claims .
But after the R / S analysis test we found the noise of our exchange market is too small which means that market isn 't efficient according to the behavioral finance theory .
After the weekend meeting of the International Monetary Fund failed to resolve tensions between global exchange rates , there was brief selling of the dollar .
Unlike Spot foreign exchange , the oil contract is based the ICE futures price ( Front-Spot Month ) . This futures price is the largest price benchmark for the oil industry worldwide .
This paper measures the exchange market pressure ( EMP ) on RMB / USD , and analyzes the relationship between EMP and domestic monetary policy via VAR model .
The BoE has its own dealers operating in forex markets ; it appears that they failed to notice such patterns .
This paper discusses the pricing of foreign exchange reset options when exchange rates are driven by Brown motions and Possion processes in the complete foreign exchange markets .
In contrast to China , major international FX markets are OTC ones , with FX dealers playing a key role in transactions and the decision of exchange rate .
Banks including UBS are moving more foreign exchange business on to their electronic trading platforms as regulatory probes into alleged forex market manipulation prompt a shake-out on traditional trading floors .
London accounts for 34.1 per cent of daily volume on the global foreign exchange market , according to the latest triennial survey by the Bank for International Settlements , released in September .
The Asian Development Bank warned this week that widespread intervention in foreign exchange markets by Asian countries seeking to maintain competitiveness with China risked sparking a new financial crisis .
On two days within a week late in October the Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervened in the currency markets to contain the value of the local currency .
First , we analyse the efficiency of the foreign exchange market , pointing out that the linear paradigm of EMH is not an appropriate description of the true market .
Under the new mechanism , banks using the swift network to process transactions in foreign exchange markets , money markets , and derivatives can specify that their offshore renminbi trades are subject to a special " disruption event agreement " .
Spain might also be saved if the European central bank bought up all its bonds , drove down the euro in the foreign exchanges and stimulated inflation east of the Rhine , thereby restoring competitiveness to the rest of the eurozone .
Currency dilution , perhaps more than any other single factor has provided speculators with a convincing reason to sell the dollar on the global foreign exchange market , says Michael Thompson , head of valuation and risk strategy at Standard & Poor ' s.
Meanwhile , earlier this year , China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights , the IMF 's unit of account .
The European Central Bank bought government bonds for the first time since March , the Bank of Japan intervened in currency markets to halt the rise of the yen and the Turkish central bank cut rates to an all-time low .
The large federal agencies , such as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ( both of which fined the banks for forex abuses ) hand money from penalties over to the Treasury .
Yoshihiko Noda , Japanese finance minister , despite issuing a warning that Tokyo was prepared to take " bold action " on the currency markets , stressed that Japan was not going down the route of sustained aggressive intervention to gain a competitive edge .
The Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Market and Fractal Market Analysis
Analysis on the Behavior of Participants of Forward Foreign Exchange Market
Study on reformation and current situation of China foreign exchange market