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wài qiē
  • circumscribe;externally tangent
外切 [wài qiē]
  • [circumscribed] 如果一个多边形(或多面体)的每一边(或多面体之每一面)均与位于其内的一条闭曲线(或曲面)相切,则称此多边形(或多面体)外切于该曲线(或曲面)

  • 外切形

  1. 结合反吹外切技术优化改造分析气路,实现N2O的连续测定;

    With back-flush and separately sweeping technique to achieve continuous analyse of N2O ;

  2. 外切体在多种RNA的代谢中起重要作用。

    The exosome acts important role in several pathways of RNA metabolism .

  3. 热调和间隙加温处理均能提高PE、内切PG和外切PG的活性,第二次间隙加温的效果尤为显著。

    Both heat conditioning and intermittent warming enhanced PE , endo-PG and exo-PG activities , with the second intermittent warming being the most effective .

  4. 与诱导抗性有关的指标PAL活性、AsA含量、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性和外切几丁质酶活性的变化具有一定的相关性。

    And , they were also fairly related to the PAL activity , AsA content , β - 1,3-glucanases activity and exo-chitinases activity .

  5. 天然纤维素的有效酶解取决于外切葡聚糖纤维二糖水解酶(CBH)和内切葡聚糖水解酶(EG)的协同作用。

    Cellulose is degraded mainly in nature by the synergistic action of endoglucanase ( EG ) and cellobiohydrolase ( CBH ) .

  6. 结果表明:红星果实软化中起主要作用的酶为内切和外切多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endo-和exo-PG);

    Results showed that the key enzymes involved in fruit softening in Starking apples were endo - and exo-PG ;

  7. 方法:通过蛋白酶消化提取细胞表面3H标记N糖链,结合外切糖苷酶处理,经序列凝集素亲和层析分析HL60细胞诱导分化后细胞表面N糖链结构。

    Methods : 3H labeled N linked sugar chains were extracted from the surface of HL 60 cells using pronase digestion after induced differentiation of the cells , and the structure of N sugar chains were analyzed with serial lectin chromatography , combining with exoglycosidase treatment .

  8. 阐明了Fg(t)产生的静、动瞬心线(皆为圆)之间的几何系内切还是外切,以及Fg(t)产生的静、动轮转曲线的几何形状内摆线还是外摆线。

    The geometric relationship between stationary and moving centrodes ( both are circles ) Produced by Fg ( t ) of F ( t )── inside tangency or outside tangency , and the shape of rotary curves ── hypocycloid or epicycloid are demonstrated .

  9. α-半乳糖苷酶(EC3.2.1.22)属外切糖苷酶类,在自然界中分布广泛,可在体外水解糖复合物。

    A-galactosidase ( EC3.2.1.22 ) is an exoglycosidase distributed widely in nature and is responsible for cleavage of a-linked terminal galactose residues from glycoconjugates .

  10. 对响应曲面方法中最重要的三类中心复合设计(CCDs)-外切中心复合设计(CCC)、嵌套中心复合设计(CCI)和面心立方设计(CCF)进行了比较研究。

    This paper presents a comparative study of three important Central Composite Designs ( CCDs ) which including Central Composite Circumscribed design ( CCC ), Central Composite Inscribed design ( CCI ) and Central Composite Face-centered design ( CCF ) in Response Surface Methodology .

  11. 该酶系的组成主要是外切β木糖苷酶。

    The main component of the xylanases was exo β xylosidase .

  12. 二次曲线外切多角形中有向距离的定值定理

    On Some Fixed Value Theorems of Directed Distance for Conic Sections

  13. 椭圆内接(外切)多边形的面积公式

    Area Formula of the Polygon of Inscribed or Circumscribed Ellipse

  14. 圆内接与外切三角形中的某些极值问题

    Some Extreme Value Problems for Inscribed and Circumscribed Triangles in a Circle

  15. 早期内扎外切术治疗急性嵌顿痔63例疗效观察

    Therapeutic effects of early ligation and resection on 63 patients with incarcerated pile

  16. 聚合酶3′外切活性对3′硫化修饰引物聚合反应的影响

    Effect of 3 ′ exonuclease activity of polymerase on extension of phosphorothioate-modified primers

  17. 关于椭圆内接(外切)多边形的最大(最小)面积

    On the Maximum / Minimum Areas of Inscribed / Circumscribed Polygons of Ellipse

  18. 两种外切型糖化酶与脱枝酶配合使用有较大的增效作用。

    The combination of two exo - saccharify - enzyme led to larger effectiveness .

  19. 细胞颗粒平均外切直径与数密度的测算

    Measurement and calculation of the mean tangent diameter and numerical density of cellular particles

  20. 圆外切闭折线的折心及其性质

    The fold center and its property on circular circumscription close broken line Wooden Heart

  21. 豆科植物的表皮细胞外切向壁厚度似乎能够反映豆科植物从不结瘤到结瘤的进化过程。

    It may reflect an evolutionary process from no-nodules legume plants to nodules legume plants .

  22. 椭圆类二次曲线外切多边形中有向面积的定值定理及其应用

    On Some Fixed Value Theorems for Directed Areas in Elliptic Circumscribed Polygons and Their Applications

  23. 内扎外切弧形缝合加肛门切扩术治疗环状混合痔

    Treat Annular Mixed Hemorrhoids by Internal Binding , External Excising , Arc Suturing and Anus-enlarging

  24. 内注外切保留齿线术治疗环状混合痔临床观察

    Clinical observation of internal injection and external excision with preserved dentate line in treatment of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids

  25. 同时对这四株纤维素降解菌进行了外切葡聚糖的酶的活性、内切葡聚糖的酶的活性和滤纸的酶的活性的测定。

    While Filter paper activity was carried out for these four bacteria , endo-glucanase activity and exo-glucanase activity determination .

  26. 外切体是酿酒酵母中鉴定的一个保守复合体,具有3′外切核酸酶的活性。

    The exosome is a conserved complex which identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and has 3 ′ exoribonuclease activity in vitro .

  27. 纤维素酶催化水解纤维素,它主要包括三个成分:内切葡聚糖酶、外切葡聚糖酶和β-半乳糖苷酶。

    Cellulases catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose which include mainly three types : endoglucanases , exoglucanases and β - glucosidases .

  28. 非结瘤豆科植物的根表皮细胞外切向壁的厚度比结瘤豆科植物的要厚,颜色也较深。

    The outer tangential wall of no-nodules legume plants epidermal cells is thicker and darker than that of nodule legume plants .

  29. 消痔灵注射辅助内扎外切术治疗环状混合痔的临床观察

    Curative effect observation of Xiaozhiling Morgan assisted injection combined with ex-strip intra-prick operation on the treatment of exo ring mixed hemorrhoid

  30. 初亏:太阳与月球第一次外切,太阳光球西面刚切入月球东面的时刻。

    Early losses : the sun and the moon , the first cut , just west of the sun-Cut east of the moon moment .