
wài jiāo bù fā yán rén
  • Foreign Ministry spokesman
  1. 在官方的朝鲜中央通讯社(KoreanCentralNewsAgency)刊登的一份声明中,朝鲜外交部发言人表示:既然资金解冻的问题得到解决,那么朝鲜也将开始执行2月13日签署的协议。

    Now that the issue of de-freezing the funds has been settled , the DPRK , too , will start implementing the February 13 agreement , a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement published by the official Korean Central News Agency on Monday .

  2. 路透社(Reuters)援引一位外交部发言人的讲话称:我们决定允许小鹰号航母舰队在感恩节期间赴港休整,这只是出于人道主义考虑。

    We have decided to allow the Kitty Hawk strike group to stay in Hong Kong during Thanksgiving and it is a decision out of humanitarian consideration only , Reuters quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying .

  3. 2009年5月5日下午,外交部发言人马朝旭主持例行记者会。就甲型H1N1流感疫情有关涉外问题等答记者问。

    On the afternoon of May5,2009 , Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference and answered questions on issues concerning influenza A H1N1 , and etc.

  4. 中国外交部发言人就尼克松逝世表示哀悼。

    China 's Foreign Ministry spokesperson expressed condolences over nixon 's death .

  5. 目前,意大利外交部发言人未作出回应。

    The Italian foreign ministry spokesman declined to comment .

  6. 外交部发言人马朝旭本周三发表申明。

    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu made the announcement here on Thursday .

  7. 9月2日下午,外交部发言人孔泉主持例行记者招待会。

    On 2 September Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Kong Quan held a regular press conference .

  8. 中国外交部发言人秦刚发出了类似的信息。

    Qin Gang , a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman , delivered a similar message .

  9. 外交部发言人答记者问

    Foreign Ministry spokesman answers reporters ' questions

  10. 作为外交部发言人是一个很大的责任,但是她总是微笑着的。

    It 's a huge responsibility to be a spokeswoman but she 's always smiling .

  11. 不过,中国外交部发言人后来反驳了这种说法。

    But a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of foreign affairs later disputed that claim .

  12. 外交部发言人秦刚于周三在一次定期的新闻发布会上对此事做了评论。

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang made the remarks at a regular press briefing Thursday .

  13. 一位中国外交部发言人表示,这种批责是无端的,也是冷战思维的体现。

    A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the allegations were absurd and reflected cold war thinking .

  14. 周一,中国外交部发言人马兆旭否认了墨西哥人被单独隔离。

    On Monday , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu denied that Mexicans were being singled out .

  15. 外交部发言人秦刚就斯里兰卡国家板球队遇袭事答记者问

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang 's Remarks on the Attack on the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team

  16. 一名外交部发言人表示,中国对安南的辞职表示遗憾,并对安南工作中的困难表示理解。

    A Foreign Ministry spokesman said China regrets his resignation and understands the difficulties of his work .

  17. 英国外交部发言人说当有英国人死于海外时并不会自动进行调查。

    A Foreign Office spokeswoman said an inquest was not automatically carried out when a Briton died overseas .

  18. 外交部发言人说,到目前为止,有没有报告任何外国人死亡或受伤。

    A foreign ministry spokesman said that so far there were no reports of any foreigners dead or injured .

  19. “中澳在军事、战略和经济各方面的合作至关重要。”外交部发言人比什普说道。

    " Military , strategic and economic cooperation with China is essential ," said foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop .

  20. 外交部发言人洪磊表示这次访问将会深化世界上两个最大的经济体之间的关系。

    Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the visit would help deepen ties between the world 's two largest economies .

  21. 巴基斯坦外交部发言人说;还没有那个国家请求送还本-拉丹亲属的。

    Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tahmina Janjua said no countries have asked for the return of bin Laden 's relatives .

  22. 台湾外交部发言人王于这周二对联合国的拒绝表示抗议。

    A spokesman for Taiwan 's Foreign Ministry , David Wang , spoke against the U.N. 's rejection on Tuesday .

  23. 外交部发言人王新培在周四的新闻发布会上作出如下评论。

    Wang Xinpei , spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce , made the remarks in a news conference here Thursday .

  24. 外交部发言人指出联合国坚决禁止这次火箭发射,强烈要求北韩“聪明行事”。

    A foreign-ministry spokesman , referring to UN resolutions banning the launch , urged North Korea to " act prudently " .

  25. 外交部发言人秦刚就国际刑事法院签发对苏丹总统逮捕令答记者问

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang 's Remarks on the Issuance of Arrest Warrant to Sudanese President by the International Criminal Court

  26. 周四,在北京例行的新闻发布会上,一位外交部发言人被问及了关于这艘航母照片的问题。

    On Thursday , a Foreign Ministry spokesman was asked about the carrier photos at a regularly scheduled news conference in Beijing .

  27. 在一个周四的发布会上,中国外交部发言人洪磊拒绝评论有关中国测试喷射报告。

    At a Thursday briefing , Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei declined to comment on reports on China testing the jet .

  28. 外交部发言人马晓旭称“中国尊重利比亚人民的选择”。

    " China respects the choice of the Libyan people ," Ma Zhaoxu , spokesman for the ministry , said in a statement .

  29. 以色列外交部发言人伊格·帕勒莫尔确定袭击者是纳迪姆·因扎兹,是一名来自西岸城市拉马拉的巴勒斯坦男子。

    Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor identified the attacker as Nadim Injaz , a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah .

  30. 巴基斯坦外交部发言人萨迪格说,这种言论无助于从该地区铲除恐怖主义和极端主义的共同努力。

    Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammed Sadiq says such statements will not help joint efforts to root out terrorism and extremism from the region .