
wài jiāo dài biǎo
  • diplomatic agent;diplomatic representative
  1. 查验时,须有外交代表或者其授权人员在场。

    Such inspection shall be conducted in the presence of the diplomatic agent or of his authorized representative .

  2. 《申报单》应当加盖使馆馆印,并由馆长或馆长授权的外交代表签字。

    The Declaration Form shall bear the seal of the mission concerned and the signature of the head of the mission or a diplomatic agent authorised by the head of the mission .

  3. 七)家驻外使馆、馆和其他外交代表机构

    The country 's embassies , consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries . (

  4. 美国派出一个外交代表团参加。

    The United States is sending a diplomatic delegation .

  5. (罗马天主教的)一位隶属于罗马教皇并具有大使身份的外交代表。

    ( Roman Catholic ) a diplomatic representative of the Pope having ambassadorial status .

  6. (四)国家驻外使馆、领馆和其他外交代表机构。

    The countrys embassies , consulates and other diplomatic missions stationed in other countries .

  7. 防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约

    Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons Including Diplomatic Agents

  8. (罗马天主教的)一位外交代表,他隶属于位于罗马教廷使之下的罗马教皇队。

    ( Roman Catholic ) a diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio .

  9. 他希望两国的外交代表在国际组织中保持磋商,加强合作。

    He hoped that diplomatic representatives of the two countries would maintain consultations and strengthen co-operation in international organizations .

  10. 我们仍有德国公民留在阿富汗,但我们在阿富汗喀布尔没有任何外交代表。

    We still have German nationals in Afghanistan but we don 't have any diplomatic representation in Kabul Afghanistan .

  11. 他的傲慢无礼,是学墨索里尼和希特勒接见小国外交代表开谈判时的态度。

    His haughty rudeness was an imitation of mussolini 's and hitler 's attitude toward representatives of small nations during negotiations .

  12. 英国国防大臣宣布,一个小规模英国外交代表团正在利比亚东部,尝试和当地的叛军谈判。

    Britain 's defense secretary says a small british diplomatic team is in eastern Libya to try to talk to rebels there .

  13. 结果两国于一八五八年签订《天津条约》,英国得派遣外交代表到中国,战事暂告平息。

    The Treaty of Tientsin ( Tianjin ) in1858 , which ended the war , gave the British the privilege of diplomatic representation in China .

  14. 香港&在对中国污染数据进行报告数年后,美国表示将在部分海外外交代表团驻地增加空气质量监控。

    HONG KONG & The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .

  15. 香港——在对中国污染数据进行报告数年后,美国表示将在部分海外外交代表团驻地增加空气质量监控。

    HONG KONG - The United States says it will expand air-quality monitoring at some overseas diplomatic missions , following several years of reporting pollution data in China .

  16. 利亚姆·福克斯周日对英国广播公司透露,英国正与在班加西的一个小型外交代表团保持联系,但目前仍不适合做更多评论。

    Liam Fox told BBC radio Sunday that Britain was in touch with a small diplomatic team in Benghazi , but said it would be inappropriate to comment further .

  17. 中国公民在国外申请护照、证件,由中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关颁发。

    Passports for Chinese citizens going abroad for private purposes shall be issued by the Ministry of Public Security or by local public security organs authorized by the ministry .

  18. 非洲有六个国家是联合国的成员国,但这六个国家中没有一个派有驻美的外交代表。

    There are six countries in Africa that are members of the United Nations , there isn 't a single American diplomatic representative in any one of those six .

  19. 如果你们国家没有英国外交代表机构或者外交代表机构不签发入境许可,您可以在另外指定的代理点进行申请。

    Where there is not a British mission in your own country or where the mission does not issue entry clearance you will need to apply at another designated post .

  20. 第六条外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理签证。

    Article 6 For entry into China , aliens shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions , consular offices or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .

  21. 根据《里斯本条约》,欧盟将设立一个拥有更多资源、更大权力的外交代表职位,这应该有助于进一步实现欧洲在全球重大问题上采取共同立场的长期任务。

    The Lisbon treaty will create a souped-up foreign minister with more resources , which should help further the long-term work of carving out common European positions on the big global issues .

  22. 英国驻世界各国的261个外交代表机构已经对海外英国人的怪异求助厌烦不已。有些海外英国人似乎认为英国大使馆还负责帮忙找墨镜和付账单。

    The country 's 261 diplomatic missions across the globe are getting fed up of bizarre demands for help from Brits abroad , some of whom seem to think the British embassy is an agency for finding lost sunglasses and paying bills .

  23. 如果单独行动,华盛顿可以中断对苏联的谷物和其他贸易、压缩苏联在美国的外交代表机构;要是俄国人入侵波兰,则中断裁军谈判,甚至考虑封锁古巴。

    Alone , Washington can cut off grain and other trade with the Soviet union , cut back on Soviet diplomatic representation in the United states , break off arms talks and if he Russians invade poland & perhaps even consider blockading cuba .

  24. 上周五,当欧洲人选出赫尔曼范龙佩(HermanvanRompuy)和凯茜阿什顿(CathyAshton)这两个次要人物担任欧盟总统和高级外交事务代表时,白宫官员毫不掩饰失望之情。

    White House officials did little to disguise their disappointment last Friday when Europe selected two minor figures to be its president and high representative on foreign affairs Herman Van Rompuy and Cathy Ashton .

  25. 在会议上外交大臣代表国家。

    The foreign minister represented the country at the conference .

  26. 赫维尔[外交部代表]:那儿的莱因河河面并不宽。

    HEWEL [ Foreign Office representative ] : The Rhine isn 't so very wide there .

  27. 外交学院代表队的参赛作品再生纸制包装制品最终获得了冠军。

    A recycled paper packaging project developed by the team from China Foreign Affairs University won first place .

  28. 赖斯对记者说,布什总统决定支持在德黑兰设立外交利益代表处的前提是美国坚决反对伊朗的核野心,反对它在中东的侵略行径以及在国内实行的政治压制。

    Rice told reporters President Bush decided to support an interests section in the context of a firm U.S. policy confronting Iranian nuclear ambitions , aggressive actions in the Middle East and political repression at home .

  29. Khashan教授说,他认为安南的外交努力代表了阿萨德所能从国际社会接受的“最后机会”,阿萨德于3月25日接受了联合国的和平计划。

    Professor Khashan says he think Mr. Annan 's diplomatic efforts represent the " last chance " that Mr. Assad will receive from the international community . The Syrian leader agreed to the U.N. peace plan on March twenty-fifth .

  30. 解决刻不容缓。是时候该结束这场真正的人间劫难了。”欧盟外交政策代表费代丽卡·莫盖里尼说,欧盟各国外长希望看到联合国安理会决议得到“完整而及时的落实”。

    I had the opportunity to say at the Security Council a few days ago , in particular eastern Ghouta cannot wait . It 's high time to stop this EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has said European Union foreign ministers expected " full and immediate implementation " of recently adopted UN Security Council resolutions . "