
  1. 在十九世纪六七十年代,芝加哥标榜其凉风习习,是夏日避暑的理想场所。

    In the eighteen sixties and seventies , Chicago was advertised as an ideal place to visit in the summer because of this cool wind .

  2. 避暑山庄及其周边庙宇是清朝皇帝夏日避暑,处理政务的场所,为中国著名的古代帝王宫苑。

    The Mountain Resort and its surrounding temples were the places where the Qing emperors processed the affairs of government and relaxed in the hot summer .

  3. 大连凭借其海滩和美味海鲜成为夏日的避暑胜地,但目前已有多处海滩关闭,事发地点附近的贝类和鲍鱼养殖场也已关闭。

    Dalian is usually popular in the summer for its beaches and good seafood , but several beaches have been closed , and shellfish and abalone farms near the spill have been closed .

  4. 如今大溪地已经成为继夏威夷、普吉岛、马尔代夫之后走进中国人视线的天堂岛,是夏日度假避暑的最佳选择。

    Today , Hawaii , Tahiti has become , Phuket , the Maldives following the line of sight into the Chinese island of paradise , summer vacation is the best choice for summer .