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  • 网络anticlinorium
  1. 棉花洲矿区位于胶东隆起带,昆嵛山复背斜与NE、NNE向断裂构造的复合部位。

    Mianhuazhou mining area is located in the composite area of Kunlun Mountain anticlinorium and NE NNE trending faulted structure in the mole track , eastern Shandong .

  2. 它由三个推覆体和一个隐伏带组成,以天井山复背斜推覆体和江油至广元断层下盘隐伏体的含油气远景最好。

    It is composed of three nappes and a buried zone , in which the Tianjingshan anticlinorium nappe and the lower wall buried block of Jianyou-Guangyuan fault are the best in oil and gas prospect .

  3. 新疆小热泉子铜矿区总体为一NW&SE走向的不协调短轴复背斜,后期有SN向次级褶皱叠加。前列腺近距离放疗后的直肠并发症

    The major structure in the mine district is NW SE trending disharmonic brachy anticlinorium superimposed by later N S trending second order fold . Rectal complications after prostate brachy - therapy

  4. 瓦房复背斜水文地质条件及找水方向初论宝兴复背斜的构造侵位

    A first discussion on the tectonic emplacement of Baoxing anticlinorium , sichuan

  5. D2期形变造就了区域性宏观面理构造和松源复背斜,岩石面理产状不代表原始沉积层理,属轴面叶理。

    The regional foliation and Songyuan anticline were formed by deformation D2 . The foliation of rocks does not represent the original stratification and belongs to axial foliation .

  6. 山东省莱西县南墅石墨矿位于胶东隆起栖霞复背斜的南翼,石墨赋存于太古界胶东群旌旗山组刘家庄大理岩段。

    Nanshu graphite deposits , located at the south side of Qixia synclinorium in Jiaodong uplift , exist in Liujiazhuang marble member of Jingqishan formation , Jiaodong group of Archaeozic Erathern .