
fù yǎn
  • compound eye;ommateum;facetted eye;oculi
复眼 [fù yǎn]
  • [compound eye] 节肢动物的一个典型的眼,尤其在昆虫和节肢动物内,而主要包括大量的(有时几千个)小单眼,密集在一起,但是视觉上由暗色细胞分开,在凸出的基底膜上排列,而在外部遮盖着一个几丁质的角膜

复眼[fù yǎn]
  1. 从舍蝇复眼ERG光谱敏感性的测定对R(1-6)和R(7、8)网膜细胞产生的敏感峰的鉴别

    Identification of spectral peaks of r_ ( 1-6 ) and r_ ( 7 , 8 ) retinular cells from ERG of the compound eye of housefly

  2. 利用光镜、组织切片法观察了龟纹瓢虫Propylaeajaponica(Thunberg)成虫的复眼形态及其显微结构。

    The morphology and fine structure of the compound eye of Propylaea japonica ( Thunberg ) were investigated .

  3. 用于LED照明的反射型复眼设计方法

    The Method of Reflective Fly Eye Lens Design for LED Illuminating Projection System

  4. 而后,在此基础上有提出了基于LED和复眼透镜结构的进一步改进方案。

    Then a further improved structure based on LED and fly-eye lens was presented .

  5. 利用机器视觉技术和美国NI的视觉开发模块,设计了对果蝇复眼坏区进行甄别的图像处理程序。

    An image processing program to discriminate the drosophila ′ s bad compound eyes was designed by using machine vision technology and NI ′ s vision development module .

  6. 光强度对龟纹瓢虫成虫复眼ERG值有影响。

    The intensity could influence the ERG values of the compound eye of P. japonica .

  7. 家蚕蛹在复眼着色期,经4℃冷藏24小时后,可被AcNPV(苜蓿银纹夜蛾核多角体病毒)感染。

    After the silkworm pupa at the compound eye darkened stage was stored in 4 ℃ for 24h , it could be infected by Ac NPV ( Autographa californica Nuclear polyhedrosis Virus ) .

  8. 由于CCD检测器通过如蜻蜒复眼一样的多通道阵列检测器接收不同波长下的光谱,从而避免了光栅或单检测器等部件的移动,实现了光路的固定。

    Since the CCD detector receive the spectrum of different wavelengths by the dragonfly compound eye liked multi-channel array detector , thus avoiding the movement of the grating or single detector parts and realizing the fixed optical path .

  9. 本实验应用常规电子显微镜技术,以日本弓背蚁(CamponotusJaponicus)为实验材料,对其复眼和视叶的超微结构进行了初步研究。

    Used the routine electron microscopic technique , the ultrastructure of the compound eye and the optic lobe of the female ant Camponotus japonicus was studied .

  10. 通过记录棉铃虫和玉米螟复眼的网膜电图(Electroretinogram,ERG)比较了二者对光刺激的反应特性。

    Response characteristics to light stimulation of the compound eyes in cotton bollworm ( Helicoverpa armigera ) were compared with that in corn borer ( Ostrinia furnacalis ) by recording the electroretinogram .

  11. 昆虫复眼的相关型初级运动监测器(EMD)模型仅仅是根据物体的图像强度来检测运动物体的,完全不需要进行物体识别,因而特别适用于检测伪装的运动目标。

    The correlative Elementary Motion Detector ( EMD ) model relied merely on the object intensity without the need to identify objects . It worked very well even when the moving objects were completely camouflaged in visual scenes .

  12. 将G-代码进行格式变化,生成PMAC控制器能够识别的数控代码,利用基于PMAC控制的三轴微细机床进行加工,得到仿生光学复眼模型并对加工误差进行分析。

    After the G-code format is changed to the NC code that the generating PMAC controllers can identify , the eye model is machined by PMAC-based three-axis control machine tool . At last the processing errors are analyzed .

  13. 作者应用扫描和透射电镜观察了南极趋型磷虾(EuphausiasuperbaDana)复眼的内外部组织结构。

    Internal and external organic structure of compound eyes of Antarctic Krill ( Euphausia superba Dana ) was studied with scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) .

  14. 试验结果表明:KK-42在蛹龄36小时之前处理有推迟复眼着色和羽化的作用,而且以复眼着色延迟更明显。

    The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation .

  15. 龟纹瓢虫成虫复眼的ERG波形成分一般由4个部分组成:开光反应、正相电位、持续负电位和闭光反应,但闭光反应较小,不易看见。

    ERG consisted of four parts in the compound eyes of P. japonica : on light reaction , positive potential , long negative potential and off light reaction , but the off light reaction was very small and was hardly seen .

  16. 用电子显微镜研究了家蝇(Muscadomestica)复眼小网膜的一般结构,特殊结构和小网膜细胞的对称性排列,并比较了在暗适应、明适应和强光适应状态下小网膜细胞的结构。

    The common , particular structure and the arrangement pattern of the retinula in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica have been investigated , and the structures of the retinula cells here been compared with an electron microscope under dark , bright and high intensity light adaptation condition .

  17. 第16d,复眼内小眼结构已十分复杂,小眼由角膜、角膜细胞、晶锥、晶锥细胞、虹膜色素细胞、小网膜细胞等组成。

    The structure of the ommatidia was highly complex , and the ommatidia were made up of cornea , corneagenous cell , crystalline cone , crystalline cone cell , iris pigmental cell , retinular cell , and so on 16 days after spawning .

  18. 昆虫复眼视觉系统的计算机模拟

    Simulating the visual system of compound eye of insects by computer

  19. 两级复眼式准分子激光微加工均束器的设计

    Design of Fly ′ s Eye Homogenizer for Excimer Laser Micromachining

  20. 昆虫复眼瞳孔调节的一种新机制

    A new mechanism of pupil control in the insect compound eye

  21. 昆虫重叠型复眼的光学综合成象特性

    The characteristics of synthetic image of insect 's superposition compound eye

  22. 蝶类复眼小眼面表面超微结构的比较研究

    A comparative study on the surface ultrastructure of ommatidium in butterflies

  23. 论昆虫复眼的仿生学问题

    On Some Bionic Problems of the Compound Eyes of the Insects

  24. 小眼面呈正六边形,仅在复眼与眼柄交界处有四边形和五边形的小眼。

    But at border of eyestalk there were pentagon and quadrangle .

  25. 技术是生成的。仿生复眼测量系统中全景图生成的研究

    Research on Panorama Picture Formation in Bionic Compound Eye Measuring System

  26. 复眼出现于无节幼体期Ⅲ。

    The compound eye forms at the nauplius stage ⅲ .

  27. 基于昆虫复眼技术的全视场运动目标监测系统

    An omnidirectional target monitoring system based on compound eyes technology

  28. 这些昆虫的头部,界限分明,长有复眼和触须。

    These insects have a well-defined head with compound eyes and antennae .

  29. 复眼结构就是其中非常著名的一种。

    Compound eye structure is one of the most famous .

  30. 颊短于复眼纵径之半;

    Cheek shorter than 0.5 times long diameter of eye ;