
ké zhuàng dì yī
  • crustaceous lichen
壳状地衣[ké zhuàng dì yī]
  1. 利用壳状地衣监测陆地环境中~(137)Cs活度浓度的研究

    Research on Monitoring Caesium-137 Radiation Level of Land Environment by Crustaceous Lichens

  2. 目的比较壳状地衣与其他环境样品中137Cs活度浓度差异,分析壳状地衣作为敏感的生物指示剂监测陆地环境中137Cs活度浓度的可行性。

    Objective The activity of caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) in the crustaceous lichens and other samples were determined to testify the feasibility , of which crustaceous lichens worked as a sensitive biology monitor to record the caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) radiation level of land environment .

  3. 子囊盘在地衣尤其是壳状地衣的分类中具有重要意义,其特征可通过光学显微镜进行观察。

    Apothecium , which can be described using light microscope , is very important in the taxon of lichens ,( especially ) in crustose ones .