
rén wǔ
  • Ren Wu;19th year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 嘉靖壬午本是目前所见最早的《三国志演义》小说刻本。

    Jiajing Renwu Edition is the earliest of the Three Kingdoms novel edition .

  2. 他在1882年曾随清军前往朝鲜,协助国王李熙平定壬午兵变,并与该国士大夫结交。

    In 1882 , he had been to Korea with the Qing army , helping the Korean Emperor Li Xi to put down Muting in 1882 , which resulted in his association with Korean literati .

  3. 以壬午兵变为契机,清对朝政策发生了重大的变化,由消极的以夷制夷政策转变为积极的干涉政策。

    Take " Im-ou military revolt " as a turning point , Qing 's policy to Korea has had tremendous change , from " uses one barbarian to control the other " transforms into " the interference policy " .