
dūn zi
  • Pier;a block of wood or stone
墩子 [dūn zǐ]
  • (1) [a block of wood or stone]∶厚而大的一整块木头或石头

  • 菜墩子

  • (2) [boab]∶讥讽发呆的人

  • 这人活像木头墩子脑袋,不开窍儿

墩子[dūn zi]
  1. 试论农村实现小康的目标和途径&盐池县四墩子村调查与分析

    On the objectives & approach to get well-off in rural area

  2. 四墩子草地农业生态系统初级生产太阳能转化率偏低(0.056%);

    The efficiency of solar energy conversion into the primary production was lower ( 0.056 % ) .

  3. 骨瓷的基本成分是加入骨粉(动物骨头燃烧后的粉末)的高岭土和白墩子。

    Bone china porcelain is basically made by adding bone ash ( burned animal bones ) to kaolin and petuntse .

  4. 有一个墩子滑到车道上的松土上了,而汽车正在向后滑动!

    One of the ramps had slipped on the soft dirt of the driveway & and the car was rolling backward !

  5. 詹姆斯在自家门前的车道上放了两个墩子,将车的前轮开到上面,这样他就能够得着过滤器了。

    To get at it , James had driven the car 's front wheels onto two ramps he positioned in the driveway .

  6. 我想我要是能看着像在桥墩子底下睡过一晚上,估计人们才能把我当回事儿。

    I thought I was supposed to look as if I 'd spent the night sleeping under a bridge in order for people to take me seriously .

  7. 这个阿凡达叫平和之家,是基于一个朴素的混凝土墩子之上用木制架构和蓝色系混凝土板围合成的空间。以此来反应当地混凝土工业的历史文化元素。

    Called House Equanimity , the residence has a concrete base topped by a wooden frame and blue concrete panels , referencing the concrete industry local to the area .

  8. 电影里的两名男主角&墩子和眼镜都是中学生,每天放学后都会跑到街边的游戏厅里。

    In the movie , the two heroes , Dunzi and Yanjing , who are in middle school , visit a video games room on the street each day after school .

  9. 石桥由灰浆结合在一起的石头墩子、桥台和桥拱组成。拱桥可以分为单拱桥和多拱桥两种。

    Stone bridges consist of pillars , abutments and arches made up of stones held together by mortar . The arch bridges can be divided into the single-arch and the multi-arch varieties .

  10. 大连新港原油码头水深大,为了减小墩子所受的外力并加快施工进度,采用了大型预制钢筋混凝土圆沉箱作为重力墩水下部分的结构。

    Since the oil tanker wharf of Talien New Port located in deep water , in order to decrease the external force and make a faster time schedule of erection , the large-scale precast concrete caission is chosen as underwater structure of the gravity-pier .