
  1. 我在去旅行之前得好好了解一下墨西哥的历史。

    I 've been reading up on Mexican history before my trip .

  2. “对墨西哥人来说,特奥蒂瓦坎古城是我们最伟大的文化遗产,它不仅展现了墨西哥的历史,还是我们这个国家和民族身份的象征。”作家和艺术家们在公开信里这样说。

    " Teotihuacan is for Mexicans our greatest cultural heritage , an expression of our history and our identity as a people and nation ," the writers and artists said in the letter .

  3. 得克萨斯州与墨西哥的贸易往来历史悠久。

    Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico .

  4. 你们参观墨西哥的玛雅文化历史的遗迹吗?

    Did you guys visit the Mayan cultural ruins ?

  5. 这代表了德州作为独立的国家为自治同墨西哥斗争的短暂历史。

    This represents the short time Texas was an independent nation battling Mexico for self-rule .

  6. 墨西哥革命制度党的历史兴衰

    The Rise and Fall of the Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party

  7. 该文对旋毛虫病在墨西哥及南美洲的历史、分布、流行现状、感染来源、致病虫种、检疫方法及防治措施等进行了综述。

    The history , geographical distribution , epidemiology , source of infection , etiological agent , quarantine methods and control measures of trichinellosis in Mexico and south America were reviewed in this paper .