
  • 网络Murphy's Law;Murphy’s Law;Murphys Law
  1. 在墨菲定律的研究中,最著名的是黄油吐司现象:当一片涂着黄油的吐司掉落的时候,大部分时间都是涂了黄油的一边落地。

    Of the studies about Murphy 's Law , the most famous one is the buttered toast phenomenon : One toast with butter falls , it lands butter-side down most of the time .

  2. 墨菲定律并不是说一定会发生什么坏事,它是说该发生的事情就会发生。

    Cooper : Murphy 's Law doesn 't mean that something bad will happen . What it means is whatever can happen , will happen .

  3. 墨菲定律是这样告诉我们的:有可能出错的事情,就会出错。

    This is what Murphy ' s Law tells us : If things can go wrong , they will go wrong .

  4. 这证明了墨菲定律是正确的:如果烤面包涂着黄油的那一面有可能朝下,那它就会朝下着地。

    This proved that Murphy ' s Law is true : If the toast can land butter-side down , it will do so .

  5. 这是因为他们相信好事不会单纯的发生,相信墨菲定律(Murphy'sLaw),比起每件事都能按照计划完美的进行,其中出现小差错的机率更大。

    But this is because they know that good things don 't just " happen , " and that Murphy 's Law exists because there is a better chance of something going wrong along the way than everything going exactly according to plan .

  6. 任何了解墨菲定律的人都不会认真考虑扫描整个映像和用新IP地址替换旧的IP地址(以文本和二进制格式)。

    Scanning the entire image and replacing all occurrences of the old IP ( in textual or binary form ) with the new one should never be seriously considered by anyone who understands Murphy 's Law .

  7. 墨菲定律:凡事只要有可能出错,那就会出错。

    Murphy 's Law : Anything that can go wrong will go wrong .

  8. 简论安全管理的警示职能&墨菲定律的启示

    On the Alert Function of Safety Management & Inspiration of Murphy ′ s Law

  9. 墨菲定律(“有可能出错的东西,就一定会出错”)是信息技术(IT)的首要法则。

    Murphy 's Law is the first rule of information technology ( IT ) .

  10. 这完全是运气背呢,还是墨菲定律在起作用呢?

    Is this plain bad luck or is it Murphy 's law at work ?

  11. 这是很有意思的一句话,因为真正的墨菲定律声称如果糟糕的事情会发生的话,它就将会发生。

    Now this was an interesting one because the actual law states that if something bad can happen , it will happen .

  12. 即“面包落地的时候,永远是抹牛油的一面着地”。但实际上墨菲定律的历史可追溯至。

    I never had a slice of bread particularly large and wide that did not fall upon the floor and always on the buttered side .

  13. 从这个角度来理解,墨菲定律是一种对概率的诠释,本身并不指代吉凶祸福。

    We can see from this perspective that the Murphy 's law is a kind of interpretation of probability , and it doesn 't mean bless , good luck or disasters itself .

  14. 根据墨菲定律,“未知的未知”就是你根本没有计划到的意外事件,比如(继续以交通为例)交通事故或发动机故障。

    Unknown unknowns are when Murphy likes to throw another wrench in the mix that you simply can 't plan for , such as ( continuing with the traffic example ) a vehicle accident or engine breakdown .

  15. 《星际穿越》的情节中多次体现了墨菲定律的正确性,但除了把事情搞砸,它也把任务引向好的方面,最后主角也在墨菲定律的作用下挽救了全人类。

    The plots of the film have embodied the correctness of murphy 's law for many times . It can lead tasks to a right direction except messing things up . The hero saved all the human beings with the action of Murphy 's law .

  16. 墨菲定律由上世纪中叶一名美国空军工程师爱德华·墨菲提出。墨菲定律是一个格言或警句,通常表示为:有可能出错的地方定会出错。

    Murphy 's law is usually thought to be named after Captain Edward Murphy , a development engineer with the United States Air Force in the middle of the last century . Murphy 's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as : Anything that can go wrong will go wrong .

  17. 墨菲的约会定律说,如果你有可能在追求潜在伴侣的时候门牙上粘了一团食物,那么,这样的事就会发生。

    Murphy 's law of dating says that if you can get a huge glob of food stuck in your front teeth while trying to woo your potential future SO , you will .

  18. 片中男主角的女儿名为墨菲,而她总在抱怨自己的名字与不吉利的墨菲定律的联系。

    The leading man 's daughter in the flim called Murphy , and she is always complaining about the relationship between her name and the unlucky Murphy 's law .