
zēnɡ zhí shuì
  • value added tax;duty on value added
  1. 所有服务费都不包括增值税。

    All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax

  2. 特别是加入WTO以来,由生产型增值税向先进的消费型增值税转型是中国税收体制改革的必然趋势。

    Especially after China getting into WTO , it is an infallible tendency of taxation reformation that productive value added tax is benefit to consumption value added tax .

  3. 价格为1500英镑,不包括增值税。

    The price is £ 1 500 ex VAT .

  4. 价格中含增值税。

    Prices include VAT .

  5. 其价格为108英镑,包括增值税和送货费在内。

    It is available at £ 108 , including VAT and delivery .

  6. 包括咖啡、服务费及增值税在内,一顿五道菜正餐的价格为30英镑。

    A five-course meal including coffee , service and VAT is £ 30 .

  7. 不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。

    Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers .

  8. 如果您对增值税有什么异议的话,请告诉我们。

    If you have had a problem with the vatman , let us know .

  9. 据说走私者暗地销售黄金,偷逃增值税达500万英镑。

    The smugglers allegedly sold the gold under the counter , cheating the VAT man out of £ 5 million .

  10. 另外,你还须向银行支付所有损失、成本、花销和法律费用(包括与此相关的增值税)。

    You will , in addition , pay to the Bank any losses , costs , expenses or legal fees ( including VAT thereon ) .

  11. 增值税、营业税和进口税都是间接税。

    Value-added taxes , sales taxes , and import duties are indirect taxes .

  12. WTO规则与增值税改革

    Rules of WTO and the Reform of Value-Added Tax

  13. 基于J2EE技术的增值税专用发票网上认证系统

    Web Authentication System for Value-added Tax Special Invoice Based on J2EE

  14. TravelCorporationChina总裁费内拉毕晓普(FenellaBishop)表示,降低增值税和签证费将减少签证费用。

    Fenella Bishop , president of the Travel Corporation China , said lowering VAT and visa fees would mitigate the expense .

  15. IMF和欧元集团更希望希腊进一步下调养老金并改革增值税。

    The IMF and Eurogroup would prefer Greece to take a further chunk out of pensions and reform value added tax .

  16. 它的售价约为3.7万英镑(包含增值税),超过了梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)E级轿车的上路价。

    It sells for about # 163 ; 37,000 , including value added tax more than the on-the-road price of a Mercedes E-Class .

  17. 印度联合工商会也赞成反倾销措施,如增值税,消费与服务税(GST)。

    ASSOCHAM is also in favour of anti-dumping measures , a hike in excise duties and changes in the goods and services tax ( GST ) .

  18. 论文第五部分:增值税转型后MHL集团纳税比较以及税收筹划。

    Paper Part ⅴ: value-added tax after the transformation MHL group comparisons and tax planning .

  19. 将基于案例的推理(CBR)方法应用于增值税纳税申报系统中,收集各种典型增值税案例的处理经验组织成案例库。

    Case-based reasoning method can be applied to the payment system of value-added tax . The handling experience of every kind of typical value-added tax is collected to organize a case base .

  20. 本文研究了资金时间价值问题在存货管理中的地位,结合我国增值税的征收情况,对传统EOQ模型进行了必要的修正。

    The paper states the importance of time-value cost in inventory management , and makes some revision on the traditional EOQ mode by taking VAT into consideration .

  21. 本文通过对变量的单整和协整检验,采用EG两步法建立协整模型和ECM模型,实证分析了税制改革,主要讨论增值税和企业所得税改革,对我国财政收入的影响。

    This paper mainly analyses the influences that tax-system reforms ( including reforms of value-added tax and enterprise income tax ) will exert on the government revenue by building Error Correction Model with E-G two step method through unit root test and co-integration test .

  22. 基于CTAIS系统数据构建增值税税负预警模型可以及时对企业税负进行甄别,实现增值税负分析工作的智能化。

    Based on CTAIS system data , tax Burden early warning model built can screen corporate tax to realize intellectualization of value added tax analysis .

  23. 不过,西班牙经济大臣路易斯德金多斯(luisdeguindos)明确表示,马德里方面没有放弃紧缩,而且宣布了明年提高增值税的计划西班牙政府曾一再承诺不会提高增值税。

    However , Luis de Guindos , economy minister , made it clear Madrid was not abandoning austerity and announced plans to raise value added tax next year , something the government had promised repeatedly not to do .

  24. 现行土地增值税日益显出阻碍房地产流通等弊端。

    There are some disadvantages in the present Land Appreciation Tax .

  25. 关于我国增值税税负不公问题的分析

    An analysis of unfair burden about value added tax in China

  26. 深化增值税改革方案的设计

    Plan Designs of Deepening the Value-added Tax ( VAT ) Reform

  27. 关于增值税免税的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Duty Free of Value Added Tax

  28. 消费型增值税的涵义与基本政策框架研究

    The Connotation of Consumption Based VAT and Its Basic Policy Framework

  29. 增值税对固定资产投资有很大的影响。

    Value-added tax has great effect on investing of fixed assets .

  30. 此外,增值税的上升也将推高通货膨胀率。

    Moreover , the rise in VAT will push up inflation .